how it all started with Lip

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Request for FearlessWriting

You lived across the street from the Gallagher's family all your life, you and lip are only a few months apart in age, he is your best friend and you two do everything together, he was your first kiss back in the day and you where his even if he didn't want to admit it you know it's true, he was to nerves just like you.

Today is your birthday which you also share with lan but your still two years older then him, you haven't seen lip in a few days he has been hanging out with this girl who you dont like name Karan Jackson and she is a bitch, she isn't someone you think lip shouldn't be with, and it's not because your in love with him, you know him better than he knows himself sometimes, you and lan are heading towards the Gallagher's household for the party tonight, his sister Fiona is throwing it for you both, she is like mother hen to all of us and we love her so much.

You know lip invited Karen to the party even through Everyone else doesn't want her there but she is lip's girlfriend and you all just put up with her for him, but tonight during the party lip learns something about her he didn't want to know, that she sleep with Frank their dad while they have been together, lip hasn't slept with her yet so it's not like he got something but there tape of her and Frank. Which hurts more she really is a slut and he learns that tonight during the party for you and lan, and comes to you for comfort and you two build your friendship back up and more over time.

You and lan get home to find Fiona and her boyfriend Steve is already there, Frank is there too which you know will not end well, he always cause trouble and you aren't wrong this time, he hurts lip which piss me off beyond anything before and you beat the living shit out of him and also you finally can get hands on Karen. But right now you and lan head outside to the backyard and you two will wait on mandy and Mickey to come over for the party, lip comes outside with Karen on his arm as you shake your head at them, as lan seats back on the picnic table and you both give each other a look before Mickey and Mandy join the party.

Frank comes out with some beers in hand and hands them out to us before heading back inside as you take a slip and Mandy pulls out a smoke and you two share it until lan joins in and waits some so you share it. As Mickey looks at you and smiles "you love Mickey and Mandy they are your brother and sister so yeah you got to love them at times but most of the time your all good, you moved out of the house when your guys mom bring her boyfriend in, you live with Kev and Veronica across the street, Mickey is Normally at the Gallagher's house because he is dating lan, Mandy stays at home but not when your guys mom isn't there.

You giggle at Mickey who can't take his eyes off lan who is having a good time with Mandy's smoke. Your eyes go to lip who is by himself now, Karen went inside to use the bathroom but not really she is back at it with Frank and all hell is about to break loose and you know lip will be hurt but you got his back and you will take the trash out aka Karen and Frank.

That's part one I hope you all like it!!!!

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