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***Buck's P.O.V***

    I woke up and sighed. It was time for me to go to work. I love going to work but today i was just tired. I stayed up late last night thinking about the MMA fight that i got into a couple of years ago. I know that it was a wile ago but it feels like it was just yesterday that i had started street fighting. I know that i told Eddie not to street fight but i just couldn't stop. It's like a drug very easy to start but hard to stop.

   I get out of bed and grab my work uniform. I check my phone to see how much time I have left until my shift starts. I finaly dicide that I have a lot of time to get my shower and put on my uniform. I grab an apple out of the kitchen and grab the keys to my jeep.

   When I get to the firehouse Bobby is making breakfast. I wasn't even all the way in the door and I could smell the pancakes and the bacon from the loft above. I see Eddie and Chimney working out. Hen is talking with Athena over by one of the ladder truck. I think that I'm in the clear to go to the locker room before anyone noticed that I was there. When Eddie sees me he waves and I fake smile and wave back. I just don't feel like talking to people today but I think that maybe its just me being tired.

  I just got finished getting changed when the fire bell went off and the frailer voice of the operator came on. "all units fully involved backing structure fire in progress." no time to think just twenty five seconds to get into you turnout gear and get to the ladder truck buck. I tell myself as I get to the truck. today was going to be a busy day and I liked the thought of that.

***Eddie's P.O.V***

    When Buck walked into the 118 today he seemed tiered and different. It might just be me but I think that he might  need someone to ask what's wrong. That's when we got the call to respond to a structure fire.

   I grabbed my hat after I got out into my turnout gear. we hoped into the truck and as soon as it had started it was over and we were back at the station. I think that Buck was just tired because he never stopped smiling and joking the rest of his shift and I was so glad that my best friend was ok. or at least I hope that nothings going on with my best friend.

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