Let it Go

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I got home from work to see Buck stretched out on the couch in the Livingroom. he was in one of my Hoodies and a pair of sweats. it was like 400 degrease in LA today so it was weird to see him in a hoodie. it was probably just an exaggeration though. I mean it was 97 out side and i did just get back from a fully involved structure fire. and i was in full gear so that's probably why i'm so hot.

I took off my boots quietly so I wasn't disturbing Buck. it was cool in the small apartment. I walked over to the AC to see what the temperature was. it said the it was 65 which was pretty cool. I turned it up to 72 and walked over to the back of the couch where buck was.

I stood there for a minute taking in his appearance. the hood to the black LAFD Fire Fighter hoodie he was wearing was pressed against his cheek lightly. he was gripping the edges of the sleeves lightly. it was a little big on the man but yet it also seemed to fit him just right. he was curled up into a little ball. 

I walked around to the front of the couch and crouched down in front of his face. I brushed away a small strand of his blond hair that was covering his eyes. god I wish his eyes were open right now. they are so beautiful. I kissed his cheek and stood up slowly so I would not wake him. I grabbed a the blanket that was on the back of a chair that was near by and covered him up.
I then walked away to the bathroom to get a shower. it was almost 8 o'clock by the time I got done.

 I walked into the Livingroom the see that Buck was still asleep on the couch. I walked over to him and moved the blanket from on top of him. it made him stifle out a small groan as he shifted around on the gray cushions. I picked him up and carried him to the bed room an laid him down on our bed. I covered him up and went to get in beside him. we need as much sleep as we could get because we both had to work 24 hour shifts tomorrow.


the calls that we gat can be ruff but I will never forget the one from not even an hour ago.

We had gotten a call to a roller costar that was stuck upside down on a loop. what they didn't tell us was that a guy had fell out and hit the ground. i knew what had happened. i didn't have to have Bobby tell me that he was dead. i could tell just by looking at the guy. the way he was laying on the ground. he was dead. but Bobby still made Hen and Chimney put him on a back board. that's when bobby broke me from my thoughts.

"Buck i want you to get on the ladder" he told me. i looked up at the ride were there was another guy hanging from the lap bar.

"its not gonna reach that high cap" Bobby looked over at me and nodded.

"i know that. your gonna have to climb the latter and when it cant go any farther your gonna have to climb it 'till you get to him. now go get geared up!" he told me as i sprinted over to the truck to shed my Bunker gear. Eddie is at the truck with the harness.

"So who did cap send up there" he askes as i take of my coat.

"Me." i said dully as i finished taking off my gear

"no" eddie said as i grabbed my hallmate from the truck

"i have to Eddie" i tolled him as i pulled on the harness. when he was done helping me fix the straps he grabbed my hand.

"Just be carful. please?" he askes me as i grab his other hand.

"i will i promise." we gave each other a quick kiss.

"i love you" he told me as i started to walk away.

"i love you to" i turned around to wave at him as made my way over to the truck.

"Buck be carful and try not to fall. when you get up there tie the rope to the top track by the first car and make sure the second one is tied tight to." Bobby was going over the basics as i grabbed the rope and the extra harness. i was only half listening to what he was saying.

"i got it Cap. thanks." i told him as i started to climb to the top of the roller costar.

when i got up to the top i felt my foot start to slip on the edge. my knee gave out from under me but thank god no one saw it. i did as cap said and tied the rope and the harness.

"hi there sir my name is Buck can you put this on for me?" i asked him nicely.

"im scared! i cant! ill fall!" he said shaking 

"here just take my hand" i told him extending my hand for him to reach.

"sometimes you have to just let it go" he said as he let go of the bar. 

I gasped and my breath hinged in my through when I heard his body hit the pavement. that was it for me. my first ever life lost on my first ever high stakes rescue.

i'm so glad i have the next three days off because there was no way i was ever going to recover from this.


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