This (for the cliff hanger)

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cap got in the rig and started the engine. we started to pull away from the seen. slowly, slowly, and then we were off. as we pulled away i sat with my head propped up on the door watching as the seen passes by. the house that i once knew. gone. nothing but a burnt pile of ashes and some smoke. the house that i had seen so many times in and out. almost every day. gone.

we drove back to the station with everyone laughing and talking and having a good time like we always do. but not me. i just sat there with my head up on my arm with my eyes out the window. no one seemed to notice or even care. so why should I.

as I looked out the window of the big ladder truck my attention was focused directly onto every house that went by. i saw little kids playing in yards and running around. I saw moms and dads with here kids and other family members talking and having a good time. everyone looked so happy. just the sight of families being together and being happy made me wanna go home and cry. just seeing them swinging on swings and running around having fun. something that me and Maddie never got. happiness all I had was the memories of my dark past. the things that I cant out live. the things that i cant out run. all imbedded into my mind for good. there a part of my life now. and i cant change that. ill never be able to change that.

as we got closer to the staition my stomach was doing back flips. I felt so sick. I didn't want to do it. i didn't want to tell them what happened. why I was acting so different. why though flames felt so worm so different. why the flames were so hot.

we pulled into the building. Bobby looked back at me concerned. I just pretended like I didn't see him. I saw Eddie look up at me to. he was worried I could tell. but he still wanted to know. I could see it on his face. when the truck was at a full stop we all jumped out. I was the last one out with hopes that I could slip off to the locker room and end my shit already. but instead I found my way up the stairs to the loft for the family dinner. as soon as I sat down everyone walked over to the table.

"ok spill now" Eddie said not looking up from his phone as he text Christopher his son that I loved almost as much as I loved Eddie. Bobby looked over at me and nodded his head. I knew I could tell them and know I had to tell them. 

"That house....the one that we were at to day..." I said as I looked passed everyone trying not to make eye contact.

"yeah what about it" Chimney said a little annoyed that I wouldn't just say it.

"me and Maddie ran away when we were little I was 10 and she was 14. our mom and dad where abusive to us and we did the only thing we knew how to do. runaway. and then my dad set the house on fire after he found us. Maddie was still inside so I ran in to get her. that's the reason I became a firefighter. she almost died. all because I asked her to run away with me" I said my voice breaking at that last part. I wasn't gonna tell them everything but that was a start. no one will ever know what really happened there only ever gonna know the surface of it all.

"im so sorry Buck" Hen said as she gave me a hug.

"wait so is that why Maddie wont ever talk about your parents" Chimney asked shocked.

"yeah it is" I said.

I looked down and I saw a hand on top of mine. Eddie. he's the only one who didn't say anything. I looked up into his eyes and I saw the tears start to form. he moved his hands away quickly. just then Bobby brought over our dinner. we all ate in silence until it was the end of our shifts.


I was watching Buck in the truck the whole way to the staition. he was sad. distant even. he always talked on the way home he was always talking about how cool the way we had to save someone was. but today he was quite. something was wrong something was bothering him.

as we pulled into the station I looked at him his eyes keep growing sadder and sadder as we go. he looked hesitant for a minute but then he got out and went up the stairs to the grand loft so we could talk and hopefully get Buck to tell us what's wrong wile Cap made us dinner.

"ok spill now" I say. I sit down next to him and pull out my phone. I was texting my son Christopher telling him that he's staying at Carla's tonight. Buck was coming over if he liked it or not. he looked over at me and smiled a week smile. god even when hes miserable hes still hot.


after Buck tells us his story my heart drops. such a smart bright peppy kid. with a past as dark as the. he was looking down at the floor. I take my hands and place them on top of his. just the thought of what happened to him made me angary. angary at the people who did this to him. angary at the people who almost killed Maddie who is one of my best friends and one of Christopher's favorite people in the world. and Buck. Bucks my best friend and if he wasn't here I would still be drinking and street fighting.

i had tears starting to form in my eyes. I couldn't stand to think about it. everyone was asking questions and apologizing but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I pulled my hand away as Bobby brought the food to the table. we said grace and prayed for Buck and we prayed for the people that we had saved today. we all ate in silence and then packed up to go home. 

I had to tell buck how felt but that was gonna have to wait until later. me and buck just so happened to have clean up duty for after our shift. when everyone left it was my chance to tell him what I needed to. it was my turn to do something that I never thought that I would ever do.


sorry it took so long to update! love you all! the song at the top kind of goes with the next chapter too and the songs in Eddie's p.o.v

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