Suspicious minds and familiar fires

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when we pulled up on the call I felt a lump in my through. why? why was it this house that I had to go to. this is bad. dose Maddie know? should I sit this one out? dose cap know?  the one thing that I do know is that I cant tell cap. all these thoughts ran through my head as I jumped out of the truck. then I remembered that I still had to get my assignment from Bobby. I got over to where I saw Bobby, Athena and all the others standing. Bobby knew. I could tell.

"ok guys we got a fully involved and a three car pile up on the back side. there's also a motorcycle involved" Bobby said his eyes not losing contact with mine for not even a second.

"Buck" he said in a stern but soft voice. "you should sit this one out" he finished.

"no. im gonna do this. I have to." I told him. everyone had a confused look on there face. 'just tell them later buck its not important now.' I told myself.

he gave everyone a swift look before he turned back to me. I nodded to assure him that I was ready to do this. I had to do this even if I didn't like it I had to. its my job.

"ok listen up! Hen, Chimney be ready on medical were gonna need all the help that we can get. Emily and I will take the car pile up. Eddie, Buck you guys get the building. i'll have a full line crew ready to start drenching it but right now I need you to get suited and get in there."

"yes sir cap" I heard Emily say. 

cap told us that she was gonna be getting transferred to the 126 next week because shes moving. its sad to see her go because we've been friends since we were little. we first started hanging out when her brother started dating my older sister. we got to hang out almost everyday. it was nice until her family moved. but when they came back it was the happiest thing to ever happen to me because I got to have my best friend back.

me and Eddie rushed over to the truck to get our SCBAs on (BTW AND SCBA IS AN AIR PACK) and got ready for the green light. as soon as we were both ready we went in. I took a deep breath when I saw what had happened to the inside as memories flooded my mind. so good and some not so good but this house was a safe place for me and my older sister Maddie. and now its gone. the flames were intense and they devoured the hole thing and the smoke was thick and dense. I was sad to see this place like this. my thoughts were interrupted when I heard what cap had to say next.

"Eddie, Buck I need you two to listen to me. there is a gas main break that's why the fire went up so fast I need you to look hard and move fast." Bobby said over the walkie talkie.

I picked up my radio and shot him a quick ten four before Eddie spoke up.

"we need to hurry this thing could flash over at any moment and by the look of things we only have about ten more minutes." Eddie said.

"lets look up stairs" I suggested right as we heard cap on the radio again.


"Buck, Eddie there's a man out here by the name of Mr. Jenkins he says that he has a German Shepard and his granddaughter are both still in there. the Dog is a retired search and rescue dog that goes by the name of duke and the granddaughter's name is Isabelle but she goes by Bella she's twelve years of age and was last seen in her mom and dads room."

"Will do cap." I said back into the radio.

with one look at me buck was up the stairs. I fallowed him into what looked like a bed room. how did he know where to go so fast? how did he know that this was the room that they where talking about. just then we here barking and we knew what to do.

"LAFD call out!" buck yelled 

"over here!" we heard a voice yell. we ran over to what we heard and there on the ground was a little girl with her leg pined and a dog. I sat on the floor beside her and examined her leg.

"her legs pined and there's severe bruising to the ankle im thinking its a double break we need to get her out of here." I said 

buck was already on it. he walked over to the closet felt the door opened it and pulled out a crow bar. he through it to me and I used it to pry the heavy dresser off of the little girls leg. buck pulled her out and I garbed the dog. we rushed down the stairs and out the door buck was in front of me the hole time. we rushed over to medical when I heard cap yell.

"its gonna flash over everyone get down and cover!!" I got down on the gourd and covered the dog with my body and buck did the same with the little girl. then boom! it flashed. fire went sky high then it was time for the call out and everyone was safe. thank god! we went over to medical and they got the girl and the dog safely to the hospital. 

the fire was put out and it was time to clean up and to go to the station. I saw that buck looked a little on edge as we walk back to the truck. I wanted to ask him what's wrong but I wanted him to be sitting down just in case he had a breakdown like last time. I was gonna ask him in the truck what's wrong I had to.

"hey buck what's wrong man you don't look right." I asked him


"hey Buck what's wrong man you don't loom right." Eddie asked me. I could see the question bolting off of his body and the concern poring out of every word. but I couldn't tell him what was up. not even if I wanted to. I needed to by some more time.

We were the only ones in the truck. Bobby and Emily where talking with the fire marshal and chimney and hen took the ambulance as always. so that meant that I had to sit there with my best friend and my crush and tell him something that only Maddie knows. Great. this is not how I wanted the end of my shift to go.

"oh nothing im just tired I guess." I told him. but Eddie was good at reading lies. he was to good at it. he knew me to well.

"lies. now tell me what's really going on with you." he said in a firm voice that I knew all to well.

"I'll tell you at the station and I'll answer all of your questions there." I told him. i'll tell everyone. not even Bobby knows as much about this as he thinks he does.

"ok" Eddie said back giving me a small smile. I tried to  smile back but I knew that he could see through it. I propped my elbow up onto the truck door so I could rest my head on my fist and look out the window. just then Bobby and Emily climbed in. and the driver starts the truck.This was going to be the longest ride back I've ever had. I could tell.

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