The Only Girl in the World

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we where in the truck on the way to our call when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out and looked at the name. 'ABBY'. I wonder why she was calling my though. we've been dating for almost three years. I was taking her out to dinner for a date tonight. I was gonna propose. I was happy that we got together but im even more happy that we're finally gonna tie the not.

I picked up my phone and greeted her in a peppy voice with a smile creeping onto my face.

(Buck=B Abby=A any other dialoged will be regular)

B-hey baby

A-hello buck

B-is everything ok u usually don't call me during work

A-buck look I....

"Buckley well be there in ten be ready" cap yelled buck to me. my smiled faded after what I heard next.

A-im leavening you

B- w-w-what why

A- because I just need time to myself and I need to find myself you wont stop being so annoying and im tired of it im leaving and going to Italy for a few years we're done

B- I can change Abby I love you.

A- im sorry buck

B-it ok I only want what's best for you I hope that you are happy

A- I am and I hope that u stay safe with work and all I love you bye Buck and thank you

B-bye abby stay safe

an with that I hung up the phone at this point I had tears in my eyes I had to stuck it up and be strong for my team.

"you ok man" I heard eddie say.

"yeah man im fine" I said in a lying tone.

I saw him write something done on a piece of paper he handed it to me. when I unfolded it i saw that there was a little note along with a phone number.

hey dude I know that your lying to me your hurt I can tell. I heard the hole conversation and im so sorry about Abby. i know how it feels to lode someone that you loved or love. i was torn apart when Shannon left man i can help trust me. here's my number if you ever need to talk. here's my number -eddie (586)-754-5867

(by the way not a real number plz don't try to call it!!!)

I put his number in my phone and looked up and mouthed the words thank you. and than we pulled up to the call. i got out of the ladder truck and then told myself to hold it together be for walking up to cap to see wheat i needed to do. and then i realized whos house the call was at.


buck looked kind of sad when we were in the truck on the way to the call so I wrote him a note. put my number and gave it to him. I hope he's ok 


hey guys! I hope you like the book so far plz coment and tell me what you think! if you guys have anything special that y'all want to happen then leave a coment and ill be sure to add it!

I hope you are all staying heathy and safe during this time and im praying for each and every one of you and your family's. please stay safe and if you need to talk about anything and guys i mean anything my snapchat and Instagram Dms are always open. always! don't be afraid to reach out.


INSTAGRAM- arianna_moore53

love you guys and thanks for the reads! 

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