I Knew There Was Going To Be A Goodbye

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after Maddie left, buck decided that he would try to distract himself with cleaning the kitchen. Eddie walked into the kitchen after seeing Maddie out of there house. buck was at the sink. Eddie came over and wrapped his arms around bucks waist. when buck didn't react Eddie let go of him and walked to the doorway of the room.

"I'm going to go put Chris to bed, its an hour passed his bed time." was all Eddie said and then he was gone. buck dropped the plate he was washing in the soap filled sink and walked over to the table.

Buck sat down at the table in shock and in complete silence. he dropped his heads to his hands and sighed. Eddie walked back into the kitchen and pulled a seat up next to his boyfriend. he places his hands on bucks shoulders and pulled his closer to his body. bucks hands dropped from his face and he turned so he could cry into Eddie's chest.

"she's going to be ok buck" he said stroking his hair.

"you don't know that!" buck shot up from his seat and walked back a few steps. eddies face looked shocked at the other mans sudden outburst. "I'm s-sorry i didn't mean to." he said as he backed himself into the counter top.

"buck wait" Eddie said reaching his hands out for buck to grab. instead of grabbing them buck pulled his hands as close to him as he could and he speed walked out of the room and practically ran the rest of the way to the bathroom.

he walked in and closed the door softly. he turned the lock and then but his back to the inside of the door. he slid down slowly as he felt the tears start to pour down his face. he couldn't breath. he needed everything to stop in its tracks. he mad Eddie hate him and now his sister is dyeing slowly. 

he crawled over to the sink and pulled out the bottle. he didn't even bother to get his note book. he just needed to take the edge off. both of his arms were covered in bright red. you couldn't even tell he had arms. when that wasn't enough he grabbed the little baggie from his side of the medicine cabinet. he looked at it and thought for a minute. he thought about Christopher and Eddie and bobby and Maddie and his dad and the puppy that he was going to get.

he opened the bag and took 6 pills before closing it back up and putting it back where it goes. he pulled on his hoodie and sat there on the floor for almost 45 minutes just looking at himself in the mirror. that's when he heard the nock on the door.

"hey baby? you ok in there?" he heard eddies firm voice that he uses when he's worried and mad. he was mad because of him.

"yeah I'm fine." he said as he stood up and opened the door. "just fine" he said walking back into there bed room. he grabbed a pillow and a blanket from the closets and left to the living room. Eddie took the hint and left him alone for a few hours to calm down.

Eddie grabbed a pillow and walked out to the living room. he walked over to the couch and stood in front of buck. 

"can i join you?" he asked kindly and softly. buck looked up at him and scooted over for Eddie to lay down. they laid there wrapped up in each others arms until they both fell asleep.

Eddie woke up the next day with a smile on his face. that was until he saw his boyfriend sitting up on there couch crying.

"what's wrong?" Eddie asked sitting up and pulling buck onto his lap. bucks sobs just got worse.

"Maddie just called..... my dad just died." he said looking at eddies shocked face.

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