the dishes

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we have to do the dishes and clean the station. not how i thought that i'd be telling my best friend that i love him. but i'd just have to make it work. I was sitting at the table just piking at my food. thinking about why he never told me this. it really hurt me to see him like this.

"Ok Diaz, Buckley you're on kitchen clean up. everyone else have a good night and we'll see you tomorrow." Bobby said as everyone stood up to get there stuff.

buck looked at me and I just smiled and stared at him. he smiled back as he stood up and took his plate to the sink.

"Listen buck im really sorry about your past and everything that happened to you" I told him as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Its fine. you can't fix the past. and besides I have the 118 now. there like the family that I chose when I quite SEAL training."

that broke my heart to hear. he said that he was fine. but in his eyes he wasn't fine even people who don't know buck could tell that he was not fine but he still blames himself for everything that has ever happen to himself. I felt the tear start to roll down my cheek so I went to the table and we did the dishes in silence. just listening to the song on the radio.

that's just great. the song that was on was 'I COULD US A LOVE SONG'. that's just perfect. because right now I could us a love song. but if I get lucky than pretty soon ill have a love song of my own.

~time skip to after there getting ready to go home bc im like that XD~

buck walked out of the locker room so I ran to the door of it and called for him

"Hey Buck could you come here for a minute I need to ask you some thing" I said as I felt the blush rise through out my face. 

"Yeah sure." he said as he smiled at me

this was it. this is the moment that I was going to confess everything. I was really gonna do this.


I was just getting ready to leave when eddie said that he had to talk to me and he said that he had to ask me something. when I got to the locker room he was blushing like crazy. then boom he pulled me in and our lips meant in a long kiss. and damn did it feel good. 


when he got to the locker room I pulled him into a kiss. I had no clue what I was doing but I liked it. a lot. when we finally pulled away from each other for air he spoke up.

"what was that Eddie?" he asked. oh god. he didn't feel the same. I just messed up big time.

"I...uh...I.... I love you buck I have for a wile now and I wanted to tell you but I didn't think that you felt the same way." I told him as I could felt the disappointment in me start to rise. so I looked down at the floor. the floor was extra nice right now.

he garbed my hand with one hand and he garbed my chin with the other. he lifted my head lightly with the hand that was gently resting on it. he placed a soft kiss on my lips as he started to speak again.

"I love you to eddie. I just didn't want to tell you. I was going to today but after the day I've had and remembering my past I didn't want to have to get upset again if you didn't feel the same." he said as he smiled at me. "and my mom and dad never approved of me being bi."

"i'm really sorry about your family. but you could have a new better one with me and Chris. you could be part of our family buck. you could start over. we could be " I told him

"are you asking me to be your boyfriend Eddie" he asked smiling.

"that's exactly what im saying buck. I love you. Christopher loves you. please be my boyfriend. make me the luckiest man alive and please be my boyfriend." I told him hopeful that he would say yes.

"I would love nothing better" he said as he smiled at me.

"you can come over and stay the night if you want to. Chris is staying at Carla's tonight." I told him.

"yeah sure I'd love to." he told me with a big smile on his face.

they drove to eddies house in complete silence listing to the radio. and there it was. that song again. I COULD US A LOVE SONG. I don't know if the world was trying to mock me but right now, I have the perfect love song. and I don't know if ill ever find one this good ever again.

they booth big smile plastered on there faces. they were holding each others hands. thinking about the choice that they had just made. eddie finally got what he wanted. and buck well buck finally had someone he could call his own. even if he wasn't officially in the family it still felt nice. 

buck moved in close to  his new boyfriends side. eddie moved one hand from around the wheel and put it around bucks shoulder only to be pulling him closer. until they got home.

"lets just leave our bags here for now we have more important things to tend to" eddie told buck.

"sure" buck said as he jumped out of eddies brand new pick up truck. he fallowed eddie into the house after taking his shoes off.

 y'all know what happens next xD


sorry for such a short chapter but I have two new books coming out and im taking down a couple of my stories sorry. love yall!


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