Life changing in more ways than one

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 we walked into the station the next day holding each others hands. earning a series of whoops and whistles from everyone. we walked into the changing rooms and put our stuff on our lockers. I looked over at buck as he put away his duffle bag hissing in pain. I was changed before he was so I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist resting my face on his back.

"im guessing my job last night must have been worth it." I said as I laughed. he twisted so he was facing my he put his arms around my shoulders. he kissed my lip gently 

"you know it." he said 

we untangled and he closed his locker. we then walked up the stairs hand in hand to the couch. I sat down and he sat down beside me as close as he could get swinging his legs over my lap. he wrapped his arms around my chest and put his head on my shoulder.

"I knew it! pay up mofoes!" Hen yelled almost squealing.

"took em' long enough" bobby said as he handed her a 50.

"you had a bet on us." buck said mad.

"hey calm down baby it could be worse" I said before I lifed his chin to kiss him.

"blah! chimney yelled gagging playfully.

"come on chim don't act like you and Maddie don't act a little to friendly sometimes." buck said as the bell went off.

~~~at the call~~~

we get to the call and buck can barley breath. he knows who's car that is. his hole world stats spinning as he gets out of the rig. he runs over to the car to see if she's still inside. shes not. that's when he hears a faint yell.

he runs to the noise and there she is. Emily. she was on her way to her new station when she must have been hit. I run over to the frantic buck who is trying to talk to his best friend. I have to pull him back just to let hen and chimney do there jobs.

"Diaz go get Buckley and take him to the rig." Cap tells me.

"Got it cap" I tall him as I go over and get buck.

I help him into the rig and I climb up next to him.

"hey baby look at me" I tell the now crying buck "she's gonna be ok shes a fighter."

"we've been friends my hole life eddie. I lived with her wile my dad was abusing me! I can't lose her shes all I have!" buck said as he stared at eddie wile wiping away his tears.

eddie was clearly hurt by what he said. but he didn't show it. he knew that his boyfriend was losing someone important to him. buck and eddie turn to look out the window. hen looked at bobby and shook her head buck knew exactly what that meant.

"oh baby" eddie said as he wrapped his boyfriend into a hug buck sobbed into his boyfriends chest until the rest of the team got into the truck. the hole ride back buck was quite. he held eddies hand and rested his head on his shoulder.

at the station buck when strait to the locker room for a shower. eddie had to go get food ready for the boy. he had not eaten anything all day that's a fact that eddie knew. 


buck took the raiser from his bag and took it apart. eddie would be pissed if he knew what buck was doing.

he took the thick blade and drug it crossed his arm. he counted. he kept track. he wrote it down in a note book. but for now he was so numb it didn't even mater.

"just one fore every time I've messed something up." he whispered to himself. he turned off the water got changed and went back up into the loft with everyone else. when he walked out of the locker room he walk over to the chairs opposite of everyone. there where no calls the rest of the shift. so he just sat there as he felt the tears fall down his face'

~~~three days later~~~

  buck whent and sat in the chair in his house from the same night of the call that changed his life. everyone kept a distance from the boy but eddie knew he needed to go over and comfort him. everyone else kept their distance even at work even little chris. he walks over and holds the plate of food out he had made for buck

"im not hungry" he says dryly.

eddie sets the plate down on the coffee table and turns to squat in front of his boyfriend. he places a hand on bucks knee and grabs his hand with the other.

"Buck baby listen you NEED to eat something." eddie pleaded.

"No I don't."

"Buck sweetheart you need to eat before you starve. please do it for me."

"good maybe I just need to starve no one cares anymore because I know that I don't." buck talked with almost no emotion it was bitter. eddie could feel the tears start to form in his eyes. why would his boyfriend say such a thing. eddie grabbed bucks face. he cupped his cheeks ever so softly.

"buck don't say stuff like that. I care and you know that. I love you way to much to see something happen to you. and so dose Christopher. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you. I love you so much. believe it or not this will all be over soon. every storm runs out of rain and every heart ack fades away. but if something happens to you that wont ever fade away. the pain from that will never run out. please eat something for me." 

eddie was crying at this point and buck knew it. 

"im sorry" buck said as he pulled his knees into his chest and he stated crying. eddie stood up and picked buck up and sat him on his lap. buck wrapped his arms around eddies neck eddie kissed his head as the boy snuggled his head into eddies chest.

"please eat for me sweetheart." eddie was almost begging him now.

"ok" buck managed to choke out.

eddie was stroking his boyfriend's hair as he ate. eddie was upset witch meant that he was speaking to buck in Spanish again.

"por favor, no digas nunca que te vas a matar de nuevo te amo mucho por eso. por favor bebé te amo a mucho"

they eventually fell asleep together on the couch cuddle close to one another eddie holding buck close enough that nothing was going to happen to him.


thanks for reading! sorry if the Spanish is off. I don't speak it much and ive only ever had 7th grade Spanish but anyway I hope you guys like!


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