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"Y/N Solo get down here and say goodbye to your brother!" my mum shouts from the kitchen.

It's Ben's last few minutes here, he's going to Uncle Luke's for his Jedi training. I wish I could go but he's the one with The Force after all.

I run downstairs as fast as I can, tripping up on the last step and falling right into my brother.

"Hey Y/N watch it!" he shouts.

"Sorry Ben, I didn't mean to!"

"Yeah, well you never mea-"

"Look you two", my mum interrupts, "you don't know when you're going to see each other again and your last few moments together shouldn't be you guys arguing".

"You're mother's right kids" says my father, walking up to my mother and giving her a kiss. Ben turns to look at me and mouths "gross!" before pulling a face that makes me burst out laughing.

With tears in her eyes my mum comes over and gives Ben a hug and, surprisingly, he hugs her back before turning to his dad and shaking his hand. Finally he looks at me and before he can say or do anything I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. I hear him sigh but I don't care and he doesn't try to push me off. Even though he's annoying I am going to miss him, not that I'll ever tell him that. I sniff as I let go, covering up the fact that I too, have tears in my eyes. Honestly I dont know what I'll do without him.

Ben walks towards the door and turns around to see us one last time.

"Bye everybody".

"Goodbye son, I am so so proud of you, we all are" my Dad says softly.

"Now go! Before you're too late and Uncle Luke decides not to train you after all!" I joke.

"Yeah well, let's hope that happens, it's not like I actually want to go is it." he snaps back.

"Ben...", my Mum says "you know how much Y/N wanted to become a Jedi, don't do this. You have an opportunity to become something most people only dream of! Take it and enjoy it, we'll see you very soon, I'm sure of it".

I don't know how my mum does it. Sometimes I think she's the only person capable of calming down my brother when he gets angry. I've noticed him getting more and more tense ever since my parents told him about his training. I don't get why he's so upset about the whole thing, I'd kill to have the chance to become a real life Jedi, it's something I've only ever read stories about!

But with that, he left. Little did I know that was the last time I saw him like this.

Like Ben...

As I feel more tears prick in my eyes I run upstairs, I dont want anyone to see me this upset over a brother I normally hate. I collapse onto my bed hugging my pillows whilst sobbing until I can't possibly cry anymore.

I think back to the times when mum and dad were arguing and I would go to his room and he wouldn't even mind. He would just give me a big hug and distract me from the shouting until it was over. He was such a good big brother, when he wanted to be.

Other times he would use the fact that he was 5 years older than me to make me feel stupid and really angry. He would mock me for the clothes I wore and for the books I would read, he even snatched one of my books from me once and threw it at me but somehow, he missed. I never understood how as he has really good aim and it looked like it was coming straight for me. But when I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for it to hit, it never did, but just landed at my feet.

Taking a deep breath I sit up wiping my eyes. I walk over to my bathroom, careful not to knock over the giant pile of books by the door.

I splash my face with cold water and dry it on the soft fluffy towel. Looking up I stare at myself in the mirror, I've realised now just how similar I look to my brother...

Through my door I can just about hear my parents arguing again. Something about how my mum thinks they should never have trusted Ben to get to Uncle Luke's on his own and that they should have gone with him. My dad is yelling back saying how my mother is "overreacting like normal".

I look back up at myself and see more tears start to form in my tired, bloodshot eyes.

I'm all alone...


Authors Note

Hey! This is my first time ever writing a story so I hope it's ok? Let me know what you think! Is the chapter length ok?

I promise Poe is gonna come in soon I just thought I should give some backstory lol.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story, it means so much to me!


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