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As soon as I got to my room I rolled into bed, still wearing my clothes I had worn that day. I was so tired I didn't care, I just wanted to go to rest. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

The red, blinding light of his lightsaber. The low hum of it igniting. Helpless, innocent people screaming, begging for him to spare their lives. Fire. So much fire. And Pain. 

I shot up out of bed, gasping and screaming. This nightmare was worse, much worse. It wasn't what it was normally, a distant memory of my brothers younger self. It felt so real. Like it was happening right in front of my eyes. 

I got up out of bed and felt the cool, sticky sweat cling to my hairline and drip down my face. Slowly, I creeped to my mum's room and pushed the door open, calling out to her. Although it was dark I could tell that her bed was empty. Panicked, I ran down the stairs and checked the kitchen and other rooms, she was nowhere to be found. 

As my eyes desperately searched the dim room I noticed a note on the table I must have missed on my way upstairs last night. I picked it up with my slightly shaking hands and read the note: 

Work is super hectic, trying to plan a mission and sort out a bunch of other things. Me and a few others will be at the headquarters all night.

I'm so sorry, love you lots! 

Mom  xx 

Of course she was busy right when I needed her. Sometimes only her hugs and kisses can calm me down after my nightmares and now I'm was all alone, my thoughts haunting my mind, the sounds of screaming ringing in my ears. 

I shoved my hands into my pockets as I backed up against the wall and felt a crumpled piece of paper. I took it out and unfolded it. 

Poe's room number.

I immediately grabbed my key and left the house, making my way to his room. The moonlight shone on my face and I shivered in the twilight breeze. 

As I got to the room my nerves increased and I held my breath as I gently knocked on the door and waited. And waited. I was about to knock again, thinking he hadn't heard me when his door flung open to reveal a sleepy and slightly annoyed looking Poe, wearing sweatpants and nothing else. 

His face immediately lifted when he saw me, but then changed into one of concern when he noticed my appearance. 

"Hey y/n, are you ok?"

"I-I'm not sure...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come." I said, turning away to leave, but he grabbed my arm gently and pulled me into his room. 

He walked over to his wardrobe, got a t-shirt and pulled it on and I tried to hide my disappointment. I might've been shaken up but I couldn't deny the fact that he was attractive. 

Poe came back over to me and gestured for me to sit with him on his bed. 

"y/n? What's wrong?" 

I broke eye contact with him and looked over his shoulder to see his alarm clock flashing the time. 

00:27 am 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even think about how early it was." 

"Hey, hey, that's ok, I don't mind." Poe said, reaching out to touch my arm. 

I looked up to him and gave him a half-hearted smile and sigh. 

"y/n, please, you're really worrying me. You can tell me what's wrong." 

"I can't though, that's just it. I have to keep this a secret. Honestly I don't know why I came, I guess I just needed to see a familiar face?" 

"That's fine, is there anything I can do to help?" 

"I really don't know." I said, trying desperately to hold back the tears forming in my eyes. 

Poe pulled me into a hug, his head resting on my shaking shoulders. I couldn't hold them in anymore and started sobbing, tears staining his shirt. He comforted me and stroked my hair and pulled me in closer. 

After a while I pulled away and he wiped the tears from under my eyes. 

"I know you said you can't tell me what's wrong, but if you ever change you're mind, I'm always gonna be here to listen." 

"Thank you, Poe." I whispered "I really needed that". 

"Any time" He replied, smiling slightly. "Do you wanna go for a walk? Get some fresh air? It might help you feel better." 

"It's ok we don't have to, I should probably go anyways, I don't wanna bother you any more than I already have." 

"Like I said before, I really don't mind! C'mon, let's go" he said, getting up from the bed and holding a hand out for me to take so he could pull me up too.

He grabbed his keys and jacket that he wore everyday, then walked over to the door, holding it open for me then shutting it softly so he didn't wake up anyone else. 

We walked in silence, breathing in the cool early morning air and listening to the trees rustling in the breeze. 

"Hey, Poe?" I said, breaking the silence, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see" He replied, smirking. 

He led me towards one of the main buildings on the base and around the back, until we ended up at a set of rusty stairs. I looked at them, one eyebrow raised. Poe noticed how unimpressed I looked and promised me that where we're going gets better. 

He lead me up the steep staircase until we reached the roof and I instantly understood why he took me there. 

From up there you could see pretty much the entire base, but from a height that nobody would notice you were there. Beyond the forest was the horizon, with hills and fields. The stars above us in the clear sky twinkled and shone against the dark night sky. Everything up there was beautiful and calm. 

"See, told you it would get better" Poe said, commenting on my face of pure delight. 

"I guess you were right, Flyboy". 

We sat down on the edge and I shivered from the breeze, intensified from the height. Poe seemed to notice because he took off his jacket and out it around my shoulders. I thanked him quietly, a bit embarrassed but grateful because I was freezing.

Poe and I ended up spending the entire night talking about anything and everything, of course I kept my family and past secret. Soon I seemed to forget about how upset I had been just a while earlier. As the sun started to appear over the distant hills, we both started yawning like mad, our tiredness catching up to us. 

The last I remember of that night was us heading back to his room, the resistance base still fast asleep. Well, apart from my mother that is, who was still working like mad. 


The sun shone through the small window onto my tear stained face, waking me up from my surprisingly peaceful slumber. I quickly sat up and looked around, realising that I wasn't in my own bed, or room for that matter. 

As my eyes searched the room they fell on Poe, who was staring at me whilst leaning against the wall. He was already up and dressed, ready for the day.

"Morning sleepyhead" He said, clearly amused. 

"Uh- hey.." I replied slowly, still waking up. 

"You looked so peaceful so I didn't wanna wake you. But you are late for morning work now.. sorry!" 

"Poe, you're an idiot! Why didn't you wake me up!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at his head. 

"Hey, I was trying to be nice!" 

"My mom is gonna be worried sick, I've got to go, I-I'll see you later!" I said, grabbing my shoes and running out of his room and sprinting towards my home, hoping to get back before my mother did.

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