Chapter one~ The beginning of the end of civilization

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I was running for my life, dodging cars and other people as they run past me. "Victoria!" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me, I turned around and saw my father, his golden brown hair fell in front of his face, his green eyes stared at me with relief and fear; I looked down at my father's hands they were covered in blood, my mother's blood.

My mother was on the floor screaming in agony, "mum!" I cried. Part of the flesh on her hand was ripped off. "NO, NO, NO!' I bent down next to my mother she looked me in the eyes, a faint sigh released from her lips she closed her eyes, and her breathing stopped.

Before I could try and wake her up, my father pulled me up I tried to fight my father's strong arms, but I failed, I pushed him out of the way and cupped my hands in my face sobbing. My father was yelling at me to hurry up, but his voice cut short. He was being eaten alive. I couldn't begin to grasp the concept of this surreal chaotic situation, the circumstances were vile, humans eating humans, cannibalism at its stoutest, and this ordeal was terrifying. I could feel the ground below my feet slowly starting to crumble; as I begin to pull myself together, I felt an uncanny grip pull me inwards, I glanced to the right. Its eyes steaming out blood, it made a grunting noise as it aimed for my neck. I screamed with all my might, thinking this was it, the end.

“VICTORIA RUN!” Robert yelled at me as he came with a knife. “What are you going to do with that knife?” I yelled as he ran behind Mr Mission and stabbed him in the head. Robert was covered in blood, his hair covering his eyes, but sensed his fear."You killed him!” I yelled at him as he ran towards me and pulled me against his chest “Shh, its ok I’m here, shhh.” He murmured in my ear. “What was that t-thing” I stammered. He pulled me closer into his chest and rocked me gently. “It was a zombie, Victoria.” He answered in a serious tone. I chuckled under my breath. “A zombie, is this a huge joke. I swear to god if it is you are as good as dead, as well as your allies.” I answered as I tried to push him away “Well we all will be, if we stay here in the open.” He said with a smirk on his face.

“Come on, Victoria I have a small group of friends as a camp, we need to see them alright.” He explained. When he let go of me I felt exposed, I felt safe in his arms. Robert has been a family friend for years, since I was five years old. He feels like an older brother to me that’s how close we are. Robert ushered me to the town library where his entire group was. My best friend Heather was in the corner up against the wall of the library sulking big sobs with her head on her knees. Her blonde hair stained with blood, covering her face her school dress torn in all different places, her shoes broken. “We have to get clothes for ourselves and food.” I said with my arm around Heather. It was terrible seeing her like this. “ I agree, this school uniform looks like shit.” Rebecca said looking at all the guys in the group, her cherry red hair sticking up like she had 200 volts of electricity shocked into her, They all exchanged looks, and Robert nodded. “Hey, now that the world has gone to shit we don’t have to pay for anything. Do we?” Gabe basically shouted. He glanced over at me and winked as he headed for the doors when Robert grabbed his elbow “We all have to go together, Alright” Robert said as he looked at me. Then Heathers Head shot up. I jumped at her sudden jump and stared at her “you know, I have always wanted to shoplift.” Heather said and she stood up and helped me up. “We are also going to need camping equipment.” Thomas said as he grabbed out a map of town. After a couple of seconds he pointed and said “There is a camping store just down the road.” He looked out the window and points to blocks down of the opposite side of the road. “We are going to have to hurry or it will be all gone.” Gabe answered quietly. We all walked towards the door. Robert went out first killing a zombie. “We should call them Biters” Heather whispered in my ear. I nodded and replied saying “Mr Mission killed my dad. He was a biter.” She looked at me and gave me a hug. “At least they don’t have to be here when this happened.” She said trying to make me feel better but it only made me want to cry out and die here with them.

Within two minutes we were at the camping store. The windows were not broken which was an obvious sign that we were here first. Gabe then kicked the glass and it shattered into shards everywhere. It made me jump. Gabe looks at me and laughs. “What!” I said in a grave tone. “Duck” I instantly ducked and he punched a biter in the face and then crushed its skull with his boot. I turned away and emptied my stomach. “You Dickhead” I yelled as I kicked his shin and went through the window. He looked at me again and laughed even harder as he kicked the body and came in after me. I growled at him and went in to the tent section. “How many tents do we need?” I yelled as I looked at the racks of tents. They went up as high as 10 feet. “We need six two people in each tent.” Robert answered as I reached for the tents.

I moved the first one and I saw a face. I screamed and fell over. Just to find out thay Gabe was playing a trick on me “You Arsehole!” and I threw my canteen at his face It hit him flush in the nose. He staggered back and touched his nose, blood trickled from his nose and lip, and he looked at me and gave me a stiff middle finger. I laughed and grabbed the rest of the tents and walked over to Thomas. “Well, at least there is no more studying for exams.” He said and grinned at me “Thank God.” I said and returned the grin. “You are going to pay for that bitch” Gabe mumbled under his breath as he walked past. After ten minutes we had everything we needed for camping. I stole a glance at Gabe and his nose was swollen and it was turning a dark purple colour. It looks nasty, but he deserved it. “Time for Clothes!” squealed Rebecca as she sashayed past Robert and went for the door. “Where is it when we all need clothes?” I looked at Robert, his dark jeans covered in blood and small veins, his white baseball tee was ripped so bad he looked like he had been attacked by a bear, but he had been attacked, just not by bears.

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