chapter 4~ Memories

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I woke up in Robert’s tent. I tried to sit up but Robert pushed me back “Relax its ok, I'm here” I laid down “There is a group of people they tried to kidnap me, but a horse or a wolf saved me and then kicked me off and ran off again.” Robert looked at me confused. “Shh its ok we will find them.” I thought of Adam. Holy shit. He said they saw me in the clearing. I have to find it out this can’t happen to me. “Victoria?” Robert looked at me “I'm fine. I need to go to my tent please” I asked and looked at the tent door. “Yeah, but I will check on you in an hour. OK?” he looked at me his stare made me shiver “yeah ok” I said and got up and pulled open the tent. I walked over to my tent and pulled it open. Robert had added a padlock to my tent zipper. Thank god. I walked in and grabbed the feather. It seemed to make me calm and feel safe. I held it in my hand and pulled down the duvet and laid down, I fell into a deep sleep.


My mum walked up to me her brown hair in a loose bun; she had pulled out some hairs around her face to frame it. Her pale dress with a blood red rose on the front. Her cardigan reached her waist. It was a dark grey. It brought out my mums green eyes “What now mum?” I grumbled. “You have to go to school.” She said coming and sitting on the end of my bed. It sunk in under her weight. “Mum. I don’t want to.” I groaned. My mum sat up a little straighter. “I don’t care, your grades have fallen and they have even given you a student to study with. You remember Thomas; he has been your friend since kindergarten.” She looked at me. Her green eyes staring into my soul. That look always made me feel insecure. “Fine” I mumbled as I got off my bed and grabbed my school dress and went into my bathroom.

When I got dressed I walked into the kitchen to find my dad holding a piece of paper. Oh shit. “What is this?” my dad asked trying not yelling at me “Um, I must have forgotten homework. Don’t worry about it.” I said trying to take the sheet off him but he started to read it out loud. “Victoria has been not showing up at school for 2 weeks and only showed up once in an art class and then didn’t come back.”

“That art class was a hand in lesson, I showed up and gave it in and left. Must be a different Victoria” I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed an apple and my car keys, I walked out the door. “Victoria, get your arse here now.” My dad yelled in a grave tone, but I ignored him and drove off. After half an hour I parked my Chevy in a school parking spot and I walked into the school. The kids all stared at me as I walked into my homeroom; I sat in my spot and stared into space. Knowing I would have to talk to my dad tonight. “Victoria, you’re here.” Thomas said sounding surprised. “Yeah, what do we have first?” I asked looking at him. “Study period, but with me, so get your arse up and we will have an early start.” He said as he grabbed my bag and walked of. “HEYY” I shouted and run after him. “Library is this way” he said pointing at the corridor “Can I have my bag back?” I asked. He nodded and passed it to me. “So what are we going to study first?” I asked grabbing out my pencil case. “Maths, seen as though we have a math test coming up very soon.” He looked at me and grinned. “Great” I mumbled. “Oh, come on it can’t be that bad. Can it?” I looked in my bag again for my maths books. I grabbed it and it hit the table with a big bang.

“Victoria” Roberts voice scared the shit out of me. “Yeah” I breathed out. “Are you ok?” he asked coming and sitting next to me. I swallowed “I had a dream of my parents. The day the world went to shit” I said quietly. He looked at me and pulled me into him and lay down with me. I started to cry when I opened my eyes I saw my mum. Her green eyes are dull her hair was matted

I love you, Victoria.

“Mum” I whispered. But she was gone. “What did you see?” Robert asked “I saw my mum” once I said it I felt like an idiot. “I have to go now, but I will back in the morning.” He said getting out of my blanket. The minute he left I felt cold and alone. “Ok” I whispered. As he walked out. I lay down and closed my eyes and feel asleep.

When I woke up. I was in a huge warehouse. It smelt of rust. The walls were an ugly grey the roof was so high like 20 feet. I tried to stand but my hands were tied up. I tried to move my legs but they were as tight as my hands. “Anyone here, Hello?” I yelled out but my voice just bounced off the walls making an echo. I felt alone until my body froze up. And a silhouette of a person move in front of me. It makes my whole body shiver. I swallowed and opened my mouth “Why am I here, did you kidnap me?” I looked at the body, it was a male. He was tall and had a fair amount of hair on his head. “Adam?” I asked. “How the fuck do you know my name?” he asked staring at me. I swallowed. “Your friends said your name in the clearin-” “How much did you hear?” he yelled and grabbed my shoulders. “Um, I heard Nephilim and angels and the fact that that feather I found was yours” “Did you hear the book of Enoch?” I tried to think back to it. I wish I stayed in Roberts’s tent. “No” I spat. He looked at me his eyes stared into me like my mums did. “Axel” he called out. Within a second he was beside him. “What?” he asked looking at me. “Is she lying, ask her if she knows about the angels sacred bible the book of Enoch?” he looked at me “Well, do you?” Axel stared at me. His blue eyes are like a deep ocean. Filled with secrets that can’t be reached. “No, why the fuck would I know about any bible? Just let me go, or I will kill you.” I said in the gravest tone I could get out. “God she is feisty” Axel said full on grinning. “I just threaten to kill you and you just laugh?” I asked as I quietly pulled my knife out and started to cut the ropes. “She doesn't know.” Axel said looking at Adam. Adam was the tallest in the group. I was down to the last rope I managed to get my feet without them realising. I shot up and had my knife in my hand. I pointed my knife at them, they both stared at me “She is an idiot; you would think she would know that we are immortal.” “Immortal?” I asked as I dropped my knife on the ground. Adam came up to me. “You won’t remember this” “w-what” I stammered. I looked at him he put his hand on my forehead and everything went black.

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