Chapter 5~Dream

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I woke up in my tent. I couldn’t remember what I had dreamt but it felt scary that I can’t remember. I looked at the tent door to find Gabe and Thomas staring at me. “Victoria, where were you last night?” Thomas asked looking at me wide eyed. His brown eyes twinkling in the dim morning light. “Umm. In here” I answered slowly. I looked around and everything looked the same. All of a sudden Thomas was beside me taking me in his arms. “You were gone when I checked on you. It was like eleven at night. You scared the shit out of us.” He said looking at Gabe who stood quietly. “Can I be alone pleased?” I asked looking into Gabe’s eyes. They exchanged looks and left. I went under my mattress and I pulled out a huge black feather that reached from my elbow to the tips of fingers. It had a tint of grey at the tip. I touched the tip of it and I was being sucked into a black Shute and everything went black.

I was running through woods. It was too hazy to see two feet in front of me. I turned around and saw nothing. I looked forward and saw a guy. His eyes as black at a crows feathers glinting in the light that could fit through the dense forest. His tall lean body was amazing; he looked like he worked out a lot. “Book of Enoch” he said. Adam. I looked around to see who said that. Molly, James, Axel, Felix. I ordered my legs to move but they wouldn’t. “Going through the changing period” a whisper said in my ear. Turned around and saw a cat. Its brown fur so pure. Its eyes are so green. “You can control animals” the cat said. I gasped and tried to run again but I couldn’t “Is she Nephilim or an angel?” I turned around to see a red head with an emo haircut. Axel. A voice whispered behind me. “The feather is Adam’s; he is your guardian angel” I turned around “SHUT UP” I screamed to find Adam in front of me he grabbed me by the shoulders. “The book of Enoch” this is only a dream. You are immortal, Victoria. I spun on my heels. And I smacked a guy with my face as I turned. “You can’t kill us.” I shrieked and staggered back and fell. Then Adam was on top of me. “You can’t run from destiny” he said is a whisper. I rolled out from under him and a female was in front of me her black hair covering her face. “Adam wants you” she laughed and disappeared. Then a guy stands in front of me, he has the same hair as the female but has blue eyes not green. He bent over and picked up a feather. “I’m Lucas” he said grinning he leaned into me. I fell backwards and got up and ran. The scenery changed to a warehouse I found all six of them in here with me. Adam walked up to me I tried to move but I was tied to a chair. “I'm here. Stay with me.” His whispered. Then the room disappeared into the forest. I was running and I found a wolf cub I picked it up and looked at it. Then it whimpered as I touched its hind leg. It was broken “Oh, let me help.” The female said and she put her hand on the wolf’s leg and its leg was healing rapidly. I shrieked. She put her free hand on her lips to silence me. “It’s ok. It’s my power. My angel power I got it from the angel Raphael, you can talk to animals.”

I can’t do this. I have to get out of this dream. I attacked the walls of my dream to break out. Everything disappears.

I woke up covered in sweat. I looked around “Adam” I whispered under my breath. I stood up and walked over to my tent door. I unzipped it to find the group I dreamed about raiding the camp. “Shit” I shrieked and ran out of my tent. I ran for the trees. But one of the people in the group notices me. He has amazing blue eyes. And shaggy brown hair. Felix. “Adam she is getting away” he yells. Adam looks at me “We will get her later, Felix, start wiping their memory’s” his eyes staring into my soul. I looked at him and he cursed something under his breath and I kept running. I found a tree and I jumped on the lowest branch. It’s about five feet. I spring up and I soar up past it, my arms swinging everywhere as I land on the second branch from the bottom. I tried to get my bearings but my head won’t stop spinning. I look at my camp to see all of them looking at our food supplies and then I hear something so I tune in. How can she remember the memory? I wiped her memory. OMG are they mind speaking. Holy fuck. Then I see Axel walk into Heathers tent. “Stop” I yelled as I looked at Axel, but they all looked in my direction. Holy fuck. I climbed up the tree to the top. “Leave our stuff you arseholes. I'm going to kill all of you” I screamed. Then I found a pack of wolves surrounding the camp. I get down and I get my knife and I threw it at Axel. He screamed out. And he pulled it out of his back with ease. I felt my eyes widen. I stagger back and I looked at Adam. I never get tired of looking at him. He started walking towards me. He then walks into my tent with a pissed look and leaves in a huff. I run over to Heather's tent. She is lying in bed doing her nails in a black colour. I was instantly reminded of Adam’s eyes “Morning” Heather said looking up at me. I snapped back into reality. “Are you ok a guy walked into your tent I threw my knife into his back and he just pulled it out and came in.” I said running over to her checking for injuries. “What are you on about I have been doing my nails all morning?” I then see Adam’s hand come onto my forehead and I then woke up in my tent. He wiped her memory. But how? “Um. I'm sorry if I scared you. You can finish doing your nails.” I said as I walked out. “Wait. Victoria. Maybe you were hallucinating.” She yelled after me. This is so crazy maybe that dream I had was a memory. But it wouldn’t have happened like that. I have to find out more, they can’t be human. What are they?  “Maybe” I whispered.

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