Chapter 10~ The Calling

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I need to know more about what happened yesterday, I saw those wings and Axel and Adam saw it too, the power I had over Molly and how I felt everyone's emotions.  I pulled the book of Enoch out from under my sleeping bag.

The leader of these seraphim was Samara. He called them together and said to them, "We cannot succeed unless we remain united in our purpose. Join with me, then, and swear, by all the Gods of Light and Darkness, that we will remain united in our determination to overthrow the Plan of the dead, so that we can initiate a better way to exalt mankind. Swear that you will do whatever you must, using whatever powers of Light or darkness you can obtain, to bring this about." So each of them swore, in the presence of the others, by all the Gods of Light and Darkness, binding themselves by many curses to carry out their plan.

The dead, how could this be? Are they talking about the bitters? I couldn't believe what I was reading, was this whole thing planned but by who? I was angry if this apocalypse planned I was going to destroy who ever created this sick business. They killed my parents and my friends, I would not tolerate this. I felt a hand on my shoulder I was about to scream but they put their hand over my mouth blocking me from speaking, their left hand went over my forehead and everything blacked out.

I woke up, the book of Enoch disappeared from my sights but something replaced it

A feather

I picked it up, and overwhelming feeling of a thousand memories where in my head, there were flashbacks of Gabe’s family and Gabe’s first kiss. There were a thousand memories of Gabe.I dropped the feather it softly land on the floor, I couldn't see more I felt like I was invading his personal life. Why did Gabe have a feather? No. The only person I was going to get answers from was Adam; I know it was a stupid thought but its true I have this weird feeling towards Adam I feel his dangerous energy but I’m drawn to it.

After breakfast I snuck Gabe’s feather in my bag, I put my canteen and a snickers bar, I slid my knife in my back pocket and ran off into the woods. I didn't know how I was going to do this I didn't know my way to the warehouse; I stood in the clearing where I last saw the group.

I focused my mind on Adam and how beautiful his dark eyes where, his jaw line to die for and his black shaggy hair… I shook the thoughts out of my head, I glanced up only to find Adam standing there shirtless only wearing tight black jeans, and he looked so sexy.

“You called?” Adam smiled “how did you know?” I replied, I didn't think it would work.

“What do you need Victoria” Adam said sharply, it frightened me a little. I looked at him for a few seconds contemplating whether or not I should say anything. In a second Adam was right in front of me, I could feel his warm breath on my neck giving me a tingly feeling through my spine.  “What’s in the bag?” I looked him straight in his black eyes. I pulled my bag off my shoulder and opened the front pocket, I pulled out Gabe’s feather it was pure black. Adams eyes were wide open. “Tell me why Gabe has a feather?” I told Adam, he looked me straight in the eyes “I don't know what you’re talking about.” he was a good liar but I knew he was hiding something. “Adam, please tell me” my voice was wobbly; I didn't want to hear the truth.Wolves and birds of all species surrounded the clearing the sunlight shone above us; it seemed like a perfect time to kiss Adam.He smiled like he knew what I was thinking; his face turned serious making me feel uneasy. “Do you really want to know Victoria?” “Yes of course I do this is ridiculous first someone comes in my tent and puts me to sleep somehow and then the book was gone and replaced but this feather” I practically yelled it out.

“Axel” Adam said under his breath. “Are you hurt” Adam started scanning my skin. “No” I pulled away, “tell me Adam” I was furious at this point. Adam looked at me with regret in his eyes, “I can’t” my heart sank I felt relief and anger, I looked up at Adam with my biggest ‘annoyed’ look and pushed him, he didn't get very far he actually didn't move. “This was useless I’m never calling you again” I growled at Adam, and so did the wolves.

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