Chapter 7~Drugged

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I woke from hitting my head on a book. I wiped my eyes and reached for it. OMG, I completely forgot about the book of Enoch. I reached for it. I looked down at what I was wearing. Gabe’s t-shirt. I quickly got up and changed into a pair of leggings and an army shirt. I slid my knife into my leggings waist band. I went back into bed to start reading.

‘And now teach him how he may escape, and how his seed may remain in all the earth. Again the Lord said to Raphael, Bind Azazyel hand and foot; cast him into darkness; and opening the desert which is in Dudael, cast him in there. Throw upon him hurled and pointed stones, covering him with darkness there shall he remain for ever; cover his face that he may not see the light. And in the great Day of Judgment let him be cast into the fire. Restore the earth, which the angels have corrupted.’

OMG he was cast out, the fallen. “What are you doing?” Gabe asked looking at the book. I shut immediately and looked at him. “Um. Reading” I said looking at the book in my hands “Where did you get that? You Got it yesterday” I closed my eyes and tried to block him out. “Victoria” he said. I looked up at him and looked down again. Then he grabbed me by the shoulders and grabbed my jaw to so I was facing him. I soaked in his beautiful features. His eyes grew cold. From his beautiful blue eyes to a dull grey. “Where did you get the book Victoria and why?” he looked at me. His eyes softened a bit and he leaned in “I got it at the library” I said as I tried to pull out of his hands. But his grip only tightened. “Keep going” he said quietly leaning in a bit further. “It’s a bible” I whispered “What sort?” he closed his eyes. He leaned even closer our lips nearly meet. “It’s about a-angels” I stammered “Very funny, now tell me the truth” he said even closer that before. If I spoke it would touch his lip. “I'm serious” I whispered. Our lips brushed and I froze and tried to pull back. Then he pulled me in so he kissed the corner of my lips. “Stop” I breathed out. “Stop please” but he didn’t listen to me he started nuzzling my neck “Stop it. I'm not asking Gabe.” He chuckled and reached his hand under my shirt and ran his hand over my bra. “Gabe, what are you doing?” Thomas said. Looking at me “Asking her a question and it is none of your business.” He looked at where Gabe’s hands where “doesn’t look like it to me” he answered looking at me. Gabe stood up and I ran out from under him and went to the tent door. “Now look what you did Thomas, she has moved I can’t integrate her now” he said and winked at me. I gagged and left I ran out and threw up. I heard footsteps behind me I pulled out my knife from my leggings. But I nearly got Robert. His eyes searched me and slowly stepped back looked more worried than ever. “What happened to you Victoria?” he asked looking at the knife. I dropped it and fell to the floor and burst into tears they are so hot I felt them burn the whole way down. “G-Gabe” I managed at last. He looked at my tent and I got up and looked at the shadows inside. They were fighting. I ran into the tent and stood between them. I got punched in the face by Gabe. They both stared at me “Stop its over alright” I said. I bit my lip to stop me from crying. I grabbed my bag discreetly and ran out of my tent into the forest.

After five minutes I stopped and sat against a tree. I slid down and broke into tears, this world is killing me I can’t live with this anymore I want things to go back to normal, with my mum and my dad, or how much I would give to see them once more. I shot my head up and looked around, I was alone. I went to put my head down when I heard footsteps. I stood up and found the group around my shit. I started to rummage in my bag for a weapon. I Steal

A glance up. Where Is Adam? Then a bag went over my head. It smelt funny like lavender. I started to feel dizzy. He drugged me.

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