Chapter 6~The book of Enoch

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I walked out to the camp fire and sat on the dirty ground. Why would they come here, it’s too odd? Then Thomas came up beside me and sat down, but all I could think about is the book of Enoch.  What if the book is not really “Hey” Thomas said taking my hand in his. “Hi, um. Have you heard of a book call the book of Enoch?” I asked looking at the ground. “Yeah, I did some research. It’s a sacred bible for angels. Is has a lot about four main angels. Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Phanuel. I can’t remember it all, but there is a copy in the library in town.” Omg “Can you cover for me I need to go” I was so excited “Yeah, but do you need someone to come with you?” I looked at him his eyes searching me head to toe. I know that he likes me all the boys do. “Nah I will be alright.” I looked at him and smiled; he tensed for a second then relaxed. “Go, before anyone sees you” he said looking at Roberts’s tent. I gave him a hug “Thankyou” I let go he nodded and went for my tent I grabbed my bag and my knife set. I unzipped my tent looked both ways and ran for the trees.

I have a knife in hand. I had an uneasy feeling, so I climbed a tree. I stayed up there but nothing past. I opted to climb to the top. It took me a while but I managed. I looked at the top. The view was amazing the trees are all different greens. The birds chirping in the midday sun the sky is a bright blue. It reminded me of Felix’s eyes. Not a single cloud in the sky. I started to climb down when I saw a biter under the tree “Holy shit” I whispered. Its head snapped up its eyes were so bloodshot you couldn’t see the pupils. It clothes ripped to shreds. Almost all its hair was gone other than a few spots on her head. She groaned and put her head back down. I jumped of the tree without thinking and I landed on it’s back her head went flying off and her body popped. Blood went everywhere all over me. Its large intestines were around my neck. Its stomach was on my pants. “Ewwwwwww” I shrieked and I ran away. I tripped over something and I staggered back too find it head still moving “What the Fuck?” I whispered. I put my boot through its head. It cracked open and her eyes slowly closed.

After an hour I showed up into town. I remember walking the streets the days I wagged school. I walked the streets were so empty. I walked into the library. It is so quiet usually you have the librarian say ‘shut up’. I walked to the bible section. It sucks there is no internet I could of read it online. I walked through and I tripped on a book. I bent over and picked it up. Then a sheet fell out of it

The book of Enoch Is in the back in the angel section.

I looked at it puzzled and went into the back room and it smelt of dust and mould. I walked through and I look for the angel section. But nothing came up. “Fuck” I whispered. Then I heard a groan. I pulled out my knife and backed up against a wall when I heard footsteps, they were so unusual. I turned around and hit in the head with my knife. It dropped in a heap in front of me. Then a book fell from the top section and landed besides its head it said in gold letters


Omg I found it I put in my bag and pulled my knife out of the biters head. And walked out. I didn’t even think to look when I left the library, but I wish I had they was at least 30 biters outside of the library. “Shit” I mumbled as I tried to walk past without being noticed but, I stepped on a glass bottle and it broke “Holy fuck” I started to run when I heard someone. I turned my head slightly. Shit its Adam. I turned back around and ran for the camp. I ran for a good ten minutes, my heart felt like it was going to gallop right out my chest. My lungs scraped raw. My leg muscles twitched. I dropped and lay spread out on the grass. When I heard someone coming. I sat up straight and looked around to find Gabe with a crossbow. “Gabe” I yelled his head snapped my way. He came running I tried to stand my legs burned and I sat back down. “Thomas said you went out to get an apple seed but he said you went to the apple tree patch, but that’s in the opposite direction. Where did you go? And don’t lie to me” I swallowed and made up a lie. “I went to go get something nice for me to cook for camp but I was ambushed by biters” it was a good lie because I was covered in blood I stank so badly. “Ok. Let’s get you back to camp.” He said as he pulled off his tee and gave it to me. I looked at him and then me my shirt was coming off it was so ripped you could see my Bra. I felt myself go red in the face and he just laughed. I felt like kicking him, but if I was in his position I would laughed to. I ripped off the rest of my shirt and I pulled on his tee.  He went red in face seeing me strip my tee shirt off in front of him. I laughed “Its ok you already could see my bra anyway” I chuckled. He looked at me “You have no idea, do you?” he said staring at his tee on me “No idea of what?” I asked looking at him. I never seen him shirtless but he was really cut for a seventeen year old boy. “How beautiful you are.” He answered quietly searching me head to toe. “No I don’t.” I said in a sarcastic tone. He just laughed and held out his hand to help me up. I grabbed it and I nearly fell over. He looked at me and put his arm around my neck. “What happened to you anyway?” Gabe asked looking forward. “I sprinted for a good ten and collapsed. Then I found you” I said looking at my feet. My shoes still had blood from the biter in the woods.

We walked at a slow pace back to camp. I was so tired I felt like I was about to pass out. Gabe walked me back to my tent. “Good night.” He said grinning and left. I dropped into my pillow and fell asleep.

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