chapter 12~ Secrets

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*Sorry for any mistakes, vote and comment <3*

We moved all our gear and left the camp quickly, it was easier now that we have twelve group members. We walked out of the forest for a good few hours my legs where so sore and my muscles burned I was short of breath and dehydrated. "Why are we stopping" Felix said turning around. "As if you're not tired!" yelled Heather, Felix shook his head  "It's getting dark we better set up camp so we can get a meal and some sleep" I pondered aloud.

It took as a little while to find firewood but Felix keeps us entertained with his crappy jokes.

“Tomorrow morning we’ll move North West, hopefully we’ll find a place to stay” Adam said, I fell asleep in Adams arms I was surprised he let me, he hates it when people invade his personal space.

The next morning we walked for hours and passed at least three petrol stations all filled with walkers, once again my muscles were aching and I couldn't feel my legs. We finally crossed an old farm house it was small and all the crops were gone and the water was contaminated, “perfect” Axel whispered, I was the only one who noticed but I guess he just liked the place it was old and rotten. There was a few walkers to clear around the barn but it was worth it, the house was ready to collapse and the white paint was scrubbed off. “We can fix the house and block some off the windows off” Thomas suggested, “great, lets get to work” Gabe said as pulled out his gun, we all readied our weapons above our waist and ran for the walkers, Rebecca and Heather were both weak  it took a while for them to kill one walker and there squeals were unbearable. Once we cleared the small farm we set up camp in the broken up house Marmaduke sat next to me he was growing so fast.

“Hey petal” Adam whispered as he sat next to me, I just smiled back “Gabe has been quite these couple days” Adam said watching Gabe sleep, “he’s changing, he must be in pain”  I mumbled I knew this will happen to me I didn't want to be scared  but I was. Adam nodded and kissed my cheek I was still always so surprised by his touch.

Last night was the most i've ever slept in weeks, I was cuddled up next to Adam he was warm I felt his sculptured body on mine, his breath on my neck giving me a tingly feeling throughout my body my long wavy golden brown hair tangled up in his face and with him I felt safe.

In the morning we made camp a little more ‘homely’  But the house alone felt like home, the house only had four bedrooms. Adam already said he would bunk in with me. James, Felix, Robert and Lucas chose the biggest room whilst Heather and Rebecca slept in one room together.I found Axel circling around the farm like he was searching for something, we cleared the farm last night and blocked off anyway walkers can get through, my eyes were wide open as when I saw Axel look left, right and behind him then bolted for the trees. I wanted to run after him but Gabe stopped me, “hey Vic” he said a little trembly, “hey Gabe” I looked fixedly at him he didn't make eye contact, “I wanted to ask you something last night but Adam got in the way” Gabe growled as he said his name “what is it?” I questioned

“Adam’s dangerous and I don't want you near him” Gabe said sharply. “You’re dangerous too Gabe, maybe I should stay away from you” I shot back, he looked at me with surprise he clearly didn't see that coming “I will never hurt you Victoria” Gabe hesitantly replied I raised one eyebrow up and shot him an evil look. “I made some mistakes, Victoria” Gabe whispered.

“I know” I walked away and didn't bother to look back I couldn't bear to see Gabe hurt but he deserved it.

I need to see Felix, I felt bad for him, he loves Heather. I can see the jealousy in his eyes when they are together. But Rebecca on the other hand won’t leave Felix alone and I can tell he is going to burst at one point or another. I wanted to talk to him to him to cheer him up but he just waves me off. I walk down the hallway and steer left to his room to find him on the windowsill. He is wearing a bomber jacket with ‘Baseball’ printed on the back and a pair of dark blue jeans that frayed at the ends. He has his knees tucked up with a book on his knees, and had a small grey lead pencil in his hand. When he noticed me he shut the book and went red in the face. “What are you doing?” I asked walking over to him. He didn’t answer he just stayed frozen. “Felix?” I questioned. He shook his head “What do you want?” he grumbled. “I came in to check on you, are you ok?” I continued. He just looked at me and dropped his head. “Can I see what you were doing?” I asked looking at him. “No” He burst out. I jumped back a bit and just stared at him. “Ok” I finished and started to make my way to the door. “Wait” he gasped “You can see as long as you tell nobody what you saw. Ok” he decided. I looked over my shoulder to see him holding out a sketchbook, it had a soft dark red cover; its pages were turning brown at the edges. “You draw” I said, but to late realising how bad it sounded. “Yeah, But don’t tell anyone.” He whispered. I accepted the book and opened it to the last page, but he grabbed the book and opened one of the middle pages. I took it back from him and looked at the drawing. It was a drawing of Heather; she was sitting on a wooden post. Her blonde hair draping off her shoulders, she was wearing a pair of shorts that frayed at the ends and a tank top. Her brown eyes staring at me through the drawing, “It’s not finished yet” he noted quietly. “Felix, it’s amazing” I whispered and looked up at him “You like her don’t you?” I pointed out. He looked up at my eyes and stared at me in disbelief “H-how did you know” he stammered. I laughed and handed his book back. “It obvious, I can see the jealousy in your eyes when she is with Axel, I feel bad, and I’d trust you to be with her but not Axel” I noted looking at my feet. “I do like her a lot but I don’t think she likes Me.” he mumbled. This conversation was getting too emotional. I have to change the subject “I want to see that drawing when it’s finished” I smirked “In your wildest dreams” I shook my head and walked out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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