Chapter 11~ Marmaduke

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We walked for a good ten minutes and I couldn’t keep up. They are so fast. It’s not human. Adam noticed and slowed down behind the group. “Are you ok?” he asked. I puffing and heaving I couldn’t breathe. “I can’t keep up” I breathed and stopped and sat down. “Do you want a lift?” he asked looking up. I nodded my head. He helped me to my feet. I wobbled a little bit before I found balance. He grabbed my backed and pulled me into him. I could hear bones breaking. I got on my tip toes and kissed his lips to ease the pain. He bowed his head to mine. Our lips moulded to together. I released and his wings had finished growing “Did that help” I said hugging him he kissed the top of my head “A lot” he shot up in the air. The Explosion of movement startled me.

Within a minute we landed near my tent. He closed his wings and let go of me. We walked to the camp site. “Victoria” Heather screamed and ran for me. She wrapped her arms around me. I was still a bit tired from how fast we had to walk. Then I felt her body stiffen and she pulled away from me “Who is that hottie?” Heather whispered. I laughed. I couldn’t think how to explain to her who it was so I made up a lie “I found him in the woods” I turned to him and he nodded his head. “Where is Robert?” I asked looking around. “He is in his tent, everyone thinks you’re missing, but he thinks you’re dead. Go say hi” she said bobbing her head to his pale grey tent. “Adam, come with me to meet Robert” I said as I walked to his tent, I couldn’t think of what to say but I hope what I say works. When I unzipped Robert’s tent he shot up. His hair covered his eyes he was covered in dirt, his clothes were all brown. His stubble just starting to surface on his jaw “Victoria” he ran to me and wrapped his arms around me. Without notice he let go of me and looked eye to eye with Adam. “What the fuck is he doing here?” he growled. “He saved me from a pack of biters, then he took me to his warehouse and that was over run so he needs a new group the rest of the group will be here soon, but they all have tents. So can they stay?” I asked. He scanned his eyes over Adam and then back to me “How many is in your group?” he asked Adam “six including myself” he answered quickly. “Fine they can stay. Go set up your tent. Then Victoria can give you a tour.” Robert then instructed us to leave his tent.

We walked to beside my tent and sat down. “Have you built a tent before?” I asked assuming he has never had too before. “No, can you show me” he said smirking. “Ok” I pulled out the tent from his bag and separated the pegs from the tent. I stood up and laid it out on the ground.  I put the pole through the loops and gave it to Adam to hold. I took a peg and hit all the four corners in the ground I grabbed the second pole and threaded it through the other loops. I pitched it in the ground and stood it up. I dusted my hands off from all the dirt. “Ta-da” I said smugly as I sat down again. He looked at me and the tent “Can you show me again.” I sat up and stared at him “I was only kidding around” he said unzipping his tent. I walked over to my tent and sat on my bed. I spread out on my bed and closed my eyes. Even though I'm tired I can’t sleep. I sat up and walked out of my tent over to Thomas tent. I unzipped it and found him reading a chemistry textbook. “Victoria” he closed the book and walked over to me and lifted me off my feet “Thomas put me down” I giggled. He placed me on the ground and scanned me from bottom to top. He was wearing his glasses. It magnified his eyes two times bigger than they are originally. “I have to finish reading can I talk to you later?” he asked pushing the middle of his glasses further on his nose. “Umm, yeah” I said as I walked out of his tent. I started walking over to my tent when I saw Rebecca walk out of Gabe’s tent

“Hey” I yelled over to Rebecca. She snapped her head in my direction and looked confused. “Hey, umm I have to go to my tent so I will try to talk to you later” she said in a confused tone and walked off in a hurry. Ok. I walked over to my tent. I opened it to find Adam on my bed. “Hey” I said as I strode over to him and sat beside him. I sighed and laid on the bed “What's wrong?” he asked looking down at me. “People are acting weird” I groaned and closed my eyes “Humans are weird creatures” Adam sighed. I sat up and looked at him “Weirder than usual” I added. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and relaxed his body. “I thought Axel would be here by now?” I said. “They are probably lost.” He answered quietly. “You know my friend thinks you’re hot” I smiled “And she is right about that” I added on. “Really, I thought you only liked my eyes?” I could hear the smile in his voice. I couldn’t think of a good enough comeback. I swang my leg over his and sat in his lap. I run my hand over his cheek, he shuddered under my touch. I put my forehead on his. “I was wrong back then” he sighed and tilted his lips to meet mine. A shudder of pleasure shot through me. He released me and sighed “What's wrong?” I asked “Something’s not right; Axle should be here by now and he isn’t I need to go check it out.” He answered quietly. I swung myself off him and sat on the bed “Don’t be too long” I replied. “I’ll come back as quick as I can.” He said smiling as he planted a rough kiss on my lips and left.

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