Chapter 3~ Voices

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I woke up to the sound of groaning. I shot up and stared wide eyed at the wall of the tent. I saw a shadow walk past I grabbed my knife and opened my tent. I stole a glance in both directions. I wandered out and went to Heathers tent I looked in “Heather? Are you awake? There is a biter outside.” I whispered she shot up and screamed. I turned around to see the biter running towards me. I closed Heathers tent and pulled out my knife, I took a glance at the knife and then stuck it in the biters head. Its blood covered my face, it stank like dog shit. It dropped in a heap in front of me. I gasped to find everyone staring at me. “Damn, Victoria, that’s cute.” Gabe said and glanced at Thomas he giggled. I gave him my coldest look and went back to my tent. Just before I opened my tent I turned around “Well. I should have run into your tent and used you as a shield, Gabe.” Robert laughed. “Future reference, seen as though you can’t realise that what you are doing is pissing her off. She will get you back no matter the cost” Robert walked into my tent to check on me. “Thanks for killing it” he glanced at me. I gave him the slightest nod and he walked out. I dropped into my bed and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I woke up again to find Gabe and Thomas in my tent, staring at me. I pulled up the blanket and screamed. They exchanged looks and both burst into a hysterical laughing fit. I got my knife and cut their arms lightly, just enough to let their blood trickle out of their dirty arms. “Oh, I'm sorry I thought you guys were biters.” I laughed and walked out, I popped my head in. “That was for this morning still haven’t got you back for last night.” I then zipped up my tent and walked out into the forest. I turned around to make sure they didn’t follow. I squatted and went to the toilet.

After breakfast I walked into my tent and grabbed something to wear for today. To find two shadows looming in the woods. I changed my clothes from a pair of jeans and a plain white tee for a mini skirt and a crop top that nearly showed my bra and walked out to the woods, I then heard a voice in my head.

They are behind the tree to your left

I looked to my left and walked to the tree only to find Gabe and Thomas there “piss off” I said in an irritated voice.

After getting changed I walked out of my tent to find Gabe at the tent. He had hold of the tent door. I instantly figured out his intentions “Oh, hey Gabe. Were you going to come in? What a shame. I am leaving now.” I said as I pushed him back and he staggered back two steps and glared at me. As I walked away I stopped dead and thought. Who told me that they were behind that tree? A sudden shock of fear shot through me. I couldn’t grasp the concept. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I jumped out of my skin like a cat would. “Victoria, are you alright? You are a bit jumpy.” Robert looked at me. “I am alright” I answered in a whisper “Is there any jobs I can do?” I asked and looked around. “There is always laundry” he answered looking confused. “Can you tell everyone to put their dirty clothes in a pile at the middle of camp? And do we have a basket?” I asked “Yeah I will do that.” He said in a worried tone and walked off. I ran back to my tent and put my dresser in front of it and went under my mattress and grabbed out the feather. I held it against my heart. I wish my guardian angel was here. I heard my tent open and I saw Gabe standing there, he gasped in shock. I put the feather under my mattress and pull the dresser out of the way with ease and I pushed Gabe back. He landed on his arse and glared at me. “I have had enough. Just leave me alone, is it that HARD” I yelled and ran into the forest. “Victoria, where are you going?” Gabe yelled, but I ignored him and kept running. I was going so fast the trees were blurred; I have never ran so fast in my life. I came to a sudden stop and turned to find the clearing where I had passed out in. I heard I bunch of voices I went to a neighbouring tree and took a glance at the group of people. There were six of them. Five well-built males and one female, she is so tall, like six foot five. Her hair was really long it had reached her butt, her hair is so black. Her eyes are as green as emeralds. I took a glance at one of the boys his blue eyes are so bright it looks like a star on a summer night. His shaggy brown hair covered his eyes. His body was OMG so athletic. Then I looked at another one. His black hair nearly reaching his hazel green eyes he had a baseball build and he was the second tallest in the group. Then one with black hair and blue eyes, but not as bright as the other ones, he laughed and took a step back. Then there is one with bright red hair in an emo hair cut he was tall but not that cute like the others but his eyes are a dark blue. Then I saw the cutest one.  He had Black shaggy hair with black eyes that reflected the light his tall lean body it made my body tingle from my head to toe. His muscles made me gasp they were so big. I tuned into their conversation. The cutest one said “She has to be an Angel or at the least a Nephilim”

“The Energy is far too weak to be an angel or Nephilim, she could call animals while she was asleep” The girl said.

“My God Molly, she is weak she can’t even leave a strong enough signal” the cutest guy said to Molly “Alright Adam, what is your theory?” the redhead said

“I think she is only starting to change, which is making things not connect together” the cutest guy said again raising his eyebrow “that makes sense, but still, Adam she had no idea, you can sense it too. I know that-” “Shut up Axel, God why can’t any of you guys see this, James back me up please.” Adam said looking at the one with the with the baseball build “Adam he is right I saw the girl when she found your feather in the wood-” I shrieked and staggered back they all looked in my direction “Wait” yelled Adam “Come here” I continued to run “Fuck” he yelled and clasped his hands on the back of his neck. I ran and came to sudden stop and found Adam standing in front of me and the rest of them surrounding me. I looked up and whispered “Help me, please” Adam had me by the shoulders and looked at me in the eyes, they were so black, his strong jaw line well shaped. “Stop, please let me expl-” “No” I yelled in his face. He didn’t even flinch “Shit” he yelled and he staggered back. I looked behind me to find wolves surrounding us. The wolves went after the group and one of the wolves charged after me. I was too shocked to even move and the wolf scoped me of my feet and ran towards the direction of my camp. I looked back they all ran in a blur. I lunged forward. The wolf stopped dead in its tracks and ran into the trees. I was lying on the ground and I screamed and saw an outline of a person. It was Robert he looked at me and came for me. I tried to sit up but I couldn't and everything went black.

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