chapter 2~ First biter

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Camp was a few miles North West of town, set on a vacant grass land near a forest.We set up camp and blocked off anyway biters so they can’t come in. I was on the edge of the grassland close to the dense forest. I wandered into the forest to look for firewood when I tripped over a fallen tree; my face hit the dirt with such force it felt like I broke my nose. “Karma, alive and well” I mumbled under my breath. I heard a scatter near the bushes; I flinched as I walked to the bush. I noticed a huge feather; it was Black with a tint of greyness. I held it in my hand and felt a tingly sensation all throughout my body.

I felt safe.

I remember when my mother told me that when a feather is the length of the tips of your finger to the end of you elbow, it's the feather of your guardian angel. Funny I really needed one. After half an hour I rocked up back at camp with a huge splinter in my hand “bloody firewood” I murmured to myself. “AH finally” yelled Heather

“Gee, I thought you would never find it, seen as you’re a girl” Gabe smirked, I dropped the wood on his toes “OUCH!” screamed Gabe. “Maybe you can help me take the wood to the fire” I said battering my eyelashes.

We had ‘Yams Can Of Beans’ for dinner, not my typical dinner I must say but at least I got something in my stomach it's been growling for days. I sat in my tent looking at the photos of my family I found in my school dress. I didn't realise I was crying until I felt a tear roll down my left cheek. “Hey Victoria” I glanced up to see Gabe opening the zip on my tent. I quickly wipe my eyes with my sleeve, “Hello Gabe” he was wearing a Quilted Hybrid jacket and a pair of black jeans.

“Ah, I just came to... err... check up on you; you know to come see if you were okay”

“I'm fine, thanks for asking” Gabe came and sat next to me, a little too close for my liking.

“So what you got there”  “oh it’s nothing” I slid the photos back in my blue school dress. I felt Gabe’s hand touch mine, before I could pull my hand away, Gabe leaned in and pecked my cheek. “Wow, I'm sorry Gabe I don't like that way”

“Why?” whispered Gabe “I’ve liked you ever since third grade, why can't you just give me a chance!” Gabe put his arm around my waist pulling me in “Stop!” I yelled, before Gabe could do anything, Thomas came in my tent, oh great I thought to myself. “What the fuck are you doing Gabe?!” Thomas blared. Gabe stood up, his nose almost touching Thomas’s. “Piss off” Gabe said with his nose in the air, I sat in shocked as I watched Thomas's hand hook with Gabe’s jaw. “OUCH! YOU LITTLE SHIT” whimpered Gabe, “now you know not to mess with Victoria” Thomas said in a resilient way.  

Rebecca held  a cold water bottle to Gabe’s face, while Heather was pacing around the bonfire “I still don't get why you punched Gabe in the face” Heather said in a bitter tone. Thomas shrugged his shoulders, “All I’m saying is that punching someone in the jaw should be seen a constructive criticism rather than assault” chuckled Thomas.

“Thomas this is no time for you to be making jokes! Gabe could have gotten really hurt and we don't have enough medical supplies to waste.” Heather said.

“I think I might go for a walk, just to clear my head” I whispered to Rebecca “okay, stay safe”

The forest was huge I could easily get lost, I let my nose smell the fresh air the sky was bright blue, “beautiful” I whispered to myself, I could hear birds singing and rattling of the trees.  

Wait, rattling trees…

Oh shit!

A biter was coming my way, it was slow so it gave me time to find a weapon, but I found nothing, no sharp sticks all the rocks were small and won't do any damage to the biter. I looked around frantically trying to find something; my only other option was to run. I was ready to run when a blue bird with a hint of white on its head, landed on a rock.

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