Chapter 8~Confession

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I woke up in the same warehouse I dreamed about. I looked around. I felt like I have been here before. The walls are grey. I tried to move my arms but they were tied up behind me as well as my feet like in my dream. I tried to reach my knife but it was gone “Fuck” I cursed under my breath. I tried pulling again but it was no use. I took a glance at the knot. Omg it was a quick release knot. I moved my hands to the hanging rope. I pulled it. They rope dug into my skin “Shit” I mumbled and I did one last blow and it came undone. My hands are free. I went down to my feet and undid it I stood up. I took a glance both ways and left the chair. I walked towards a window. It was about fifteen feet away. I heard footsteps closing in on me. I ran but I was snagged mid-air and brought in front of Adam. His black tee fitted his well-defined muscles. And his black Levi pants hang dangerously low on his hips it made me flutter on my insides. He looked at my lower wrists where I had pulled free. They were grazed and looked like a burn. He touched it and I jerked back. He looked at me, those eyes staring into my soul for all my secrets. He grabbed the opposite wrist and dragged me back to the chair. I sat down and he dragged a chair from behind him and dragged it in front of me. He had the back end of it facing forward. He swang his legs in front and placed his elbows on the back rest. His stance relaxed and calm but I could feel anger radiating off him. I really wanted to know why he was angry. Maybe it’s because I grabbed and read the book of Enoch? He opened his mouth to say something then he closed and looked into my eyes. I could feel something in my head. I instantly put a block up to keep him out. But I knew it wasn’t going to work. I opened my eyes he was pacing the room. “How did you block me out?” he asked in a quiet but deadly tone. I looked at my sores on my arms “I could feel you, so I put my walls up” I said still looking at my sore. In a second he was in front of me in his seat. “You could feel me in your head?” I nodded my head slightly and he shot up it made me jump. He had his hands clasped loosely around the back of his well-defined neck. “You are stronger than I thought.” He said looking at his steel cap boots. I didn’t answer and looked at the window. He wasn’t looking and I shot up and run for the window. I nearly made it before he pulled up in front of me. He had backed me up to a wall. His steel cap boots touching my runners. His chest very closes mine. His breathing came in and out calmly; he smelt amazing. He put his hand beside my head. “You are not leaving until you answer my questions.” He breathed. Great. “Why should I answer your questions?” I snapped as I stared him in the face. Trying not the let his gorgeous features make me think otherwise. “Because, I have you in a warehouse that you have no way of escaping from unless you answer me?” he raised his eyebrow. “I won’t answer any of your questions” I snapped, I tried to kick him with my foot but it didn't work, he was too strong, way too strong. He just tightened his grip on me. The warehouse door busted open and axel was standing there, the light stung my eyes, it was like the sun had just exploded in my face.

“Adam, calm down, I can practically feel your anger from here” he laughed. “Let me talk to Victoria, and don't do anything stupid” Axel left for the stairs. I quickly ran after him nearly falling on my face. I was not aware of his height until now. He was a good four inches taller than me, his red hair covering most of his eyes.

Then he steered left at the top of the stairs and we walked into a room. “Take a seat” he bobbed his head over to a water rooted chair, if I sat on it, it would break for sure. The room smelt of dead rats, the paint on the walls where peeling off, it was an old building the windows where blocked off with wood and there was a crack to show daylight. He dragged a seat in front of me. “What do you know?” he asked looking at me. He seemed calm and relaxed, well at least his posture did. “About what?” I asked quietly. He raised an eyebrow showing a bit of his crystal blue eyes. “I think you know what I mean.” I swallowed secretly hoping he wouldn't notice. “I have read the book of Enoch.” his eyes widened, but he quickly covered up any sign of being surprised. “Where did you get it?” he asked looking at me puzzled. “Why should I tell you?” I said knowing this will get me nowhere. “Because if you tell me, the quicker you get to go back to your own camp”. The idea of going back to camp was making me feel uneasy. “I saw you guys raiding the camp, did you wipe their memories so they won't remember?”, “Answer my question, please I don't want to make this hard for you” Axel said, Like I would tell you anything I know. I thought at him. Then I felt something in my head, it wasn't like when Adam was in my head it felt dangerous, instantly I put my walls up to block him out. When I exposed my eyes, his eyes scanning me from bottom to top like he had no idea. That’s right. I mumbled in my head. Then I thought of the library, oh shit he can read my thoughts “the library was it?” oh shit, oh SHIT. “Hah, I fooled you.” I snapped even though it was a lie. I bet he could tell it to. “Don’t try that bull shit with me” he growled. His growl was so low it made me shiver. “Sorry where are my manners.” I blinked at him, what he just said. “Which library was it?” he asked I looked up at him. His eyes staring into me. I felt this sudden urge to tell him that it was the town public library. Before I could stop myself the words tumbled out. “The town’s public library” I gasped and put my hand on my mouth. “That’s what I wanted to hear” he snarled. “Now let’s go down stairs” he said as he gestured at the door with his hand. I walked quicker than I would usually. When we got back to the main floor I saw Adam pacing the whole building. He head shot up and he met my eyes, I held it for a few seconds and then dropped my gaze, I wondered to the chair I sat in before and planted myself down. I looked up at axel he was walking away. Then I noticed a ling forming on his back. OMG IT WAS HIS WINGS. HOLY FUCK. I screamed and both Adam and Axel turned towards me. The look in Axel eyes said everything, he was pissed he knew what I saw. He charged for me. I got up and run. I glanced half way back but I tripped on a rat trap and landed smack on my face. I turned myself around to see Axel but I saw Adam cut in front of him and with superhuman strength he threw him to the other side of the warehouse. I blinked so many times my eyes the size of an owls eyes. He bent down and grabbed my under the arms to help me to my feet. I was too shocked to even react to him. “And you told me ‘not’ to try anything stupid” he snarled

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