Chapter 9~Kiss

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Adam lead me into an office it looked like it had been renovated recently. Its black walls made all the heat become trapped in the room. There was a bed in the room, Omg it was his room. He sat on his bed, it had to be a king size. I walked over to the corner of the room and sat in the corner. I put my face in my hands. Why did he have to make me say the library? Fuck this. “Why did you save me?” I asked Adam keeping my face in my hands. “Do I have to answer that.” he grinned. Boys they never leave me alone. My God. “Never mind” I mumble he glances at me and he looks at his hands “Tell me about your family” he said in a quiet tone


3:00 shit I have five minutes to get to my art course. I was pumping my arms so hard I thought they might break off when someone grabbed my arm and dragged me to them. “Hey Gabbe” I said in a cheerful tone. “Hey, why are in a rush for its Tuesday afternoon?”  Oh shit, my art course is tomorrow. “Is it really it felt like Wednesday.” I said looking at his beautiful blue eyes. “It is, but I have nothing to do, do you want to hang with me?” he said waggling his eyebrows. I laughed and grabbed his hand “Of course” he turned his gaze to the road and back at me “But I have to do something first” I raised my hand in inquiry. “What might that be?” I asked looking at him his tanned complexion glowing in the sun. He had a haircut recently so his fringe just met his eyes. He leaned in closing his eyes, his long eyelashes are so beautiful and puckering up his lips, I leaned in as well our lips meet each other, it was like fireworks went off it was amazing. I wanted more of him our kissed deepened, he kissed me hungrily. He backed me up to a tree and he started massaging my arm affectionally. He slowly started to stop and we let go, my eyes were wide open HOLY SHIT, I saw Adams face instead of Gabbe’s, I kissed Adams lips.

“You don't seem fine” he said again with a smirk.  “Why are you smirking?”  “Because I saw your vision” Adam said, “you, what!” I yelled. “You heard me, I didn't know you liked me in that way” he winked, “I- I don't, why would I? I don’t know you, and you kidnapped me why on earth will I love you?!”  “You said love” Adam grinned, oh, shit.

Why did I say love?! I thought to myself, it came out unexpectedly. “I didn’t mean, now let me leave… you monster.” I growled, I said it so confidently I surprised myself.

“I’m sorry Victoria” Adam said “but I can't let you leave, I’m ordered to make you stay here until we got all the information we need from you”

“What else do you want from me?” I said in a low angry voice. “I’m not sure; I’ll leave that with molly.”  “Adam?” I said in a helpless tone, “yes, Victoria”

“Can you tell me about your family?” he stood up but before he can speak the door busted open. Molly, she spoke in Enoch language, I understood her…

“What is she doing here?” She spat as she talked, “we need her for information Molly” Adam replied. I was too afraid to say anything afraid they might make me stay longer if they knew I could understand Enoch language. Adam turned and looked fixedly at me, he was about to speak when we all heard bashing on the warehouse door. “Lucas quick get the door!” Adam hurled his sword at Lucas and he caught it easily. “Adam you go I’ll stay with the peasant” Molly said to Adam in Enoch language “peasant? She has a name, a beautiful one too, Victoria” Adam smiled. He was out the door in seconds; Molly shut the door and sat down.

“You don’t have to stay, I’m not going anywhere” I told Molly, “don't speak” she replied.

I heard someone screaming at the other end of the door, “WHERE THE FUCK IS VICTORIA?!” its Thomas, I immediately reacted and ran for the door but Molly was too quick she stood in front of me with one eyebrow up “going nowhere? Huh”

I pushed Molly out of the way, she ended up on the other side of the office, I don't know how I did that what I couldn't wait and wonder any longer, I need to get to Thomas tell him I’m okay let him know that I’m safe. Well for now. I busted the door open and ran for the stairs, I could hear Molly behind me stomping her way to me, and clearly she was angry. “Thomas I’m-” I stood dead in my tracks, Thomas held a gun to Adams head with Robert and Gabbe behind him, Robert held a gun to Lucas’s head and Gabbe held a gun to axels head. This will not end well.

In sync Adam, Lucas, and Axel grabbed their guns and twisted there hand, clutching the gun. They turned the gun towards them, what I learned from these kidnappers is that they are not afraid to kill.“Please stop!” I screamed with all my might leaving a very big echo in the warehouse. “Victoria!” Robert yelled, I ran to them wrapping my arms around Robert, I really only trusted him.  I spun my head towards Adam and spoke in his mind, please don't kill them. He looked at me with wide eyes, like an owl, his black gorgeous eyes showed fear and sorrow, his hair was all messed up in a cute way. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes, this always worked on my dad. Adam slowly put his arm down, he gestured to the others to put their guns down.

Gabbe hugged me from behind and Thomas did as well, “we thought you were dead” Gabbe looked down I could feel his sadness, I had this overwhelming feeling to make him feel better, I felt it with everyone in the room I knew what they were feeling. I felt dizzy with all the emotions surrounding me. Adam saw it too he knew he couldn't talk to me, not now anyways. “Let them leave” Adam told them.

I sat in my tent, I vented out all my frustration, sadness and anger. I remember always being the happy girl that got everything she wanted. I never had to lift a finger my parents did it for me, I was never strong and everyone knew it I was hopeless and dumb, all I ever did was paint and cry if I ran out of canvases boards and my brush broke. I regret it, I regret not helping my parents with anything, I was a spoiled brat, too dumb to even notice.

I wish they were here now to see the strong girl I’ve become.

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