Chapter Four

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"You didn't see me across the street?" My dad questioned catching up to me as I shook my head snatching the headphones out my ear.

I was running a little late to work due to my math teacher being on ' the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do' type of timing.

The class was definitely louder than usual, and I never could understand how people allowed themselves to be so loud on a Wednesday, it wasn't close enough to Friday, so in my eyes it was still Monday.

The only good thing about my day so far was Aiyden and Rassad decided to sit next to me at lunch. I've always sat by myself, it wasn't a secret to anyone that I barely liked people. They brought over a couple of female friends.

Asia, Junai, Imani, and Samia. I was pretty sure Aiyden had forced Rassad to be at the table, but the girls from what I could tell in the last five minutes of the lunch period, were genuine.

I wasn't a fan of females, because when I did try to make friends with them they always disappointed me. Whether it was just acting like they liked me to get with Star, or to embarrass me in the future.

I wasn't going to get too close, I always just had Wisdom since we were in third grade. She's a little rough around the edges, but I did love her.

"I didn't know you got a car," I ignored his question continuing to walk as he slowly drove on the side of the street following me.

"Get in the car. I'll drop you to work, that's where you going right?"

"No, I can walk it's fine." I didn't want any favors. He never really did anything for me and my brother, so it was awkward taking even little things. Like a car ride.

"Ryan, get in the damn car. I can't be driving slow like this talking to your ass, it's New York." His tone got deeper and I knew he was serious.

No matter how smart I got with him, or distant he never raised his voice at me like he did everyone else.

Opening the car door I slid my body in, and before I could even close the door all the way he was already on the move.

"How are you holding up.. with Star?" He questioned with his voice much softer, I think he felt bad.

"I'm doing okay. I miss him. Why didn't you go to the funeral? You promised his dad you-"

"I know what I promised Joe, that was my best friend. I know I wasn't as active as it looked but trust me I was there..." sucking my teeth I couldn't believe him.

"I never saw you do anything, it was always mommy."

"Just because you ain't see the shit doesn't mean it wasn't true... I was at his funeral too, I was in the back. I didn't want to be seen."

Leaving it alone, I had nothing else to say. He was right I wasn't able to see everything at all times, but he wasn't an active parent to Micah, and I, so I couldn't trust that he was there for Star.

Besides Star would have told me. I think.

The accessories hanging from his mirror stand, displayed the picture hanging.

The accessories hanging from his mirror stand, displayed the picture hanging

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