Chapter 3

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About twenty minutes later, Sepha knew something was wrong so she quietly crept through the woods. She soon found the troll camp and saw that half the dwarves, including Bilbo were in sacks in a pile and the others were on a spit. They were all shouting things and the three trolls were trying to stoke the fire.

Sepha sighed and watched the scene from her spot in the trees. She looked over at the dwarves to see Fili and Kili were twisted about and in uncomfortable positions. She saw Fili look her way and she smiled. The dwarf's face lit up and she saw him turn and whisper something to Kili and THorin, probably alerting them to her presence. Right then, the other two looked in her direction and Kili's face lit up. However, THorin just seemed relieved.

Sepha put a finger to her lips to indicate silence and slipped off. When she was out of sight, she quickly closed her eyes and things began to change. Her hair rippled down in long purple and pink waves before it suddenly changed to a deep brown rustic coat and her eyes turned violet... she was a wolf.

THorin, Fili and Kili were beginning to wonder where Sepha disappeared to when they heard undergrowth breaking loudly nearby. Everyone, including the trolls turned just as a massive beast tore from the tears with a loud growl. The creature rammed right into one of the trolls, sending it flying backwards into the trees. It turned on it's haunches and bit into the lower calf of another troll, getting a loud groan.

The beast pushed the second troll over and stopped long enough for the dwarves to see that what was before them was a massive wolf, probably the size of a warg!

The wolf hurled itself at the largest troll and went for the head but that troll had a knife and struck at the beast's side but it narrowly escaped. Of course, Sepha didn't fail to hear all the dwarves gasp when the sword almost struck her.

She jumped down and the troll kicked her hard, sending her flying into the trees when suddenly Gandalf's voice rang loud and Sepha slipped off unnoticed and transformed back to human. When she came tearing back through the woods, the dwarves were untying themselves and pulling their clothes back on over their underwear.

Sepha shielded her eyes till they were done and Fili practically squeezed the life out of here, "Where have you been?"

"Getting a friend," Sepha replied.

"That wolf is your friend?" Kili gasped.

Sepha shrugged, "I'm very friendly!"

The two seemed to believe her and soon Sepha was called over by Gandalf. He, Thorin, Dwalin, Bofur, Gloin and Nori were going to inspect the troll hoard. As they headed down, Sepha drew up her mask to keep out the horrible stench and began to look around.

Soon, Thorin came upon a few elven swords. "These swords were not made by any troll," he muttered.

As he and Gandalf inspected the swords, she wandered over and took up two small blades that matched.

"Nor were they made by any smith among men," Gandalf pointed out. "These were forged in Gondolin by the high elves of the first age."

THorin went to put the sword back in disgust but Gandalf stopped him, "You could not wish for a finer blade."

THorin decided to give it a try and began to inspect the rather magnificent blade. Sepha went through the knives and finding a few small elven daggers she stuck them into her boot and put the two larger blades at her belt.

She soon left, not without Thorin noticing and following close behind, "Let's get out of this fowl place."


Over the Mountains // Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now