Chapter 6

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it was an hour after the horse escapade and Thorin's mind was driving him insane. No matter how many times he tried to busy himself exploring or talking with someone, or even reading, he couldn't get his mind off of what had happened.

She had lied to them! She had purposely kept a secret from them because she knew that he hated elves! That was why she was such good friends with the elves! She was one of them!

Finally, he could stand it no more and getting up, he stormed to the healing rooms. He had to check in several rooms before he found Arwen and the elf, not noticing the dwarf's infuriated eyes, told him that Persephone was in the main healing bay, getting more medicines.

When he finally managed to find the bay, asking many elves (even though it annoyed him to do it) how to find it, he found Persephone alone. She looked incredibly relaxed in her black attire, her weapons left in her room, her hair still in the elvish style but now she was dry from the waterfall and she was humming to herself.

She was organizing medicines when she poured a glass of water and began to place ethalas plant in it. She was going to give it to one of the sick elves to help with their internal ailment. She was just turning, the glass in her hand when she saw Thorin. A smile appeared on her face.

"Hello. Didn't expect to see you down here."

THorin stormed over to the girl and stood over her, about three feet away, "How dare you lie to me!"

Sepha's green eyes widened with shock and slight fear, "Lie to you? About what?"

"About your being an elf!" THorin spat, "You're no better than them. You think you're above everyone else just because you're immortal and you care for no one but yourself!"

Suddenly, Persephone was on the defensive and gripped the glass with both hands, "First off THorin, I didn't lie to you. I just purposely avoided mentioning that I am also part elf. What is so terrible about that anyway. Besides, I'm not immortal. Because of the dwarf genes in me, I only live about as long as a dwarf."

"So you're blaming us dwarves for the fact that you are not immortal?" Thorin scoffed.

"I didn't blame you!" Sepha objected. "I'm glad I'm not immortal because I couldn't stand watching people I know grow old and die in front of my eyes while I live on! I want to live a normal life!"

"You are a miserable, misbegotten wretch," Thorin spat. "You knew that I hated elves because they turned their backs on me and my kin! They led my grandfather to his death and my father to his! You're responsible for all of it!"

Persephone's face no longer looked beautiful. It looked gorgeous as her green eyes flared slightly purple with fury, her hands gripping the glass tightly and she took a step towards him.

"Don't you ever speak to me like that! You know nothing about me THorin Oakenshield! You don't know what I have seen or what I have gone through! I never turned your back on you or your kin! Just because the woodland elves did doesn't mean that every elf in the world is like that! Just because I know a certain self centered dwarf prince who is as stubborn as a mule and refuses to be reasonable doesn't mean that I believe that every dwarf is like that! In fact, I'm sure there are many more agreeable dwarves than there are disagreeable!"

"All lies," THorin hissed. "You don't care for anyone but your own elven kin!"

"You and the company are my kin too! So is Gandalf and Radagast!" Persephone shouted.

"Then why do you turn your back on all your kin?" THorin sneered. "You have more family than you could ever want and yet you refuse to tell anyone anything about you! For almost a week you have been keeping this secret from the whole company and chances are you wouldn't have told us till we found out! You wont even tell anyone about why you are so darn afraid of my sword!"

Over the Mountains // Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now