Chapter 25

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white shores... that was the first thing that SEpha saw. The most beautiful white shores she had ever seen. Beyond was the most beautiful countryside she had ever seen. The very water seemed to sing. The children clamored to the edge of the boat to look around in surprise.

Sepha breathed in the sweet smelling air and smiled. She was just about to do it again when Thorin spoke up.

"Sepha.... you look different."

Sepha looked at him and realized what he meant. The gray had disappeared completely from Thorin's hair and he looked younger.... like he was the same age he was before Smaug attacked Erabor. FIli as well... he looked like the goofy young dwarf who Sepha had met at Baggend so long ago. Sepha didn't even have to look at her hair to know that the gray had gone.

"Amad, we're landing!" Thora squealed in delight.

The boat pulled to the edge and everyone began to pile out. The children stuck to their parents, suddenly afraid. They began to make their way up the white shores when suddenly, a voice called out.


They all turned and gasped at who they saw.... Balin, Nori, Ori, Oin, Bofur and Bombur all stood at the top of the hill, smiling.

The rest of the dwarves charged up the hill and embraced their dear comrades. Sepha and Thorin were slower, trying to let their children have time to adjust but after seeing the familiar faces, the children beamed.

"We have a surprise for you," Balin said, turning.

All eyes turned and SEpha caught her breath. A figure was walking up the hill at a fast pace. Sepha immediately reached over and took Thea from Fili's hands, allowing the boy to sprint down the hill.

FIli didn't stop till he crashed into the figure, drawing his brother into a huge hug... for it was Kili!

Balin stepped over and took the children from Thorin and Sepha. The girl charged down the hill till she was upon the two. Fili was crying with joy and Kili was beaming.

"Sepha!" Kili cried, hugging her close.

Sepha cried into his shoulder, afraid that if she let go he would disappear. Finally she let go, tears streaming down her face with joy. Kili turned and his face lit up.


THorin rushed at his nephew and drew him in for a hug before pressing his forehead to Kili's.

"I'm so glad you're here!" Kili cried. "I've missed you so!"

"We've missed you!" Fili cried. "Oh and guess what Ki! We won the bet against Dwalin and Balin."

Kili's face lit up, "You mean the one about Thorin and Sepha marring before spring?"

Fili nodded his head vigorously and Kili pumped his arm in victory.

"Adad!" Thea cried, barreling down the hill with her two sisters close behind.

Fili turned and caught up his daughter while Filia and Kilia looked at Kili in wonder.

"You.... FIlia gasped, looking from Kili to Thorin, "You look like Great Uncle Thorin..."

Kili grinned and knelt down in front of her, "I'm Kili. I'm your adad's brother."

"You're uncle Kili!" Kilia squealed, wrapping her little arms around Kili's neck.

Sepha had never seen the young dwarf so happy as he hugged his two nieces and smiled at Thea who hid in her father's chest shyly.

"So," Kili said, turning to Thorin and Sepha, "Is it safe to assume that there are little Auntie Sepha and uncle Thorins running around here somewhere?"

Before either were able to reply or even Fili even had time to grin, the shouts of children sounded and the seven Oakenshield children came running down the hill towards their parents.

The twins had to grab onto their mother to keep from falling further down the hill while THorin picked up Bilbo and Bella. Kili's eyes widened a how many little faces were looking up at him.

"You definitely had your hands full uncle," Kili teased.

THorin smiled as Thora peered at Kili, "You look familiar."

Kili smiled and was about to explain when Killian spoke up, "I know who you are! Amad and adad say that I look like you all the time! You're cousin Kili!"

Kili felt tears spring to his eyes at this as the boy hugged him tightly. Soon he was overrun by little people hugging him and he laughed. He stood up, the twins still climbing over him.

"I have a surprise for you Uncle."

With that he nodded over his shoulder. Thorin turned and gasped. Coming up the hill were two large figures that he would recognize anywhere.

"Father.... grandfather," he whispered.

The two large dwarves approached and enveloped the dwarf in a large hug each. When Thrain pulled away from his son, there were tears in his eyes.

"I am so proud of you son," he whispered.

He felt a little hand tug his pant and turning to look down, he saw Bella looking up at him, "Are you adad's daddy?"

Thrain smiled and knelt down in front of the little girl who was a splitting image of his son, "Yes I am. You are so much like your adad."

While Thrain was meeting each of his grandchildren, THorin smiled at SEpha. Thrain looked up and noticed Sepha.

"You must be Persephone," Thrain remarked. "Kili told us all about you. I am so happy to meet yoU! Thank you for finally knocking some sense into my son."

"Father!" Thorin whined, earning a grin from Sepha.

"I think there is someone who wants to see you," Thrain remarked, pointing.

Sepha turned and she gasped. She could recognize that petite but slender figure anywhere.... soon the figure began to run and Sepha did too until she crashed into the figure and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Prometa!" she cried, burying her tears in his chest.

"Hello Seph," he whispered. "Welcome home."


"Children are asleep?" Sepha inquired.

Thorin nodded as he sat down beside his wife. A ways off, the company were talking and chatting with Prometa, Thrain and Thror. Thorin reached over and brushed some hair from around Sepha's neck and placed a kiss there.

Sepha turned and smiled.

"I love you," THorin whispered.

Sepha smiled and pressed her head against his, kissing his lips softly, "And I love you.... till I die and beyond."

THorin smiled and laid back. Sepha laid down next to him. They were soon sound asleep, too tired to notice the seven little bodies who came and crawled onto their parents and found suitable places to curl up and go to sleep.

They were at peace..... home.... with everyone they loved.


WOOOOHOOOO! It's done! This has probably been my favorite fanfiction story to write so far!I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did! ADIOS!


P.S. I might be starting another Thorin Oakenshield story soon. I recently read a fanfiction story about a girl from our world who entered into Middle Earth. I actually forgot the name but I thought it was cool until I found out that the main character and Thorin's love interest no less, was a perfect brat! It angered me so much so I think I might make a story about a girl who gets taken to middle earth:) I'll keep you posted!

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