Chapter 18

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Kili was not doing well. They had managed to convince Bard to let them stay at his place after almost everyone, especially the town master, turned them out. Kili was writhing in pain on the bed and while Fili was trying to keep him calm, Oin was trying to figure out what to do.

"This is unlike anything I have ever dealt with," Oin admitted. "Sepha?"

Sepha shook her head, "The arrow was poisoned. We need to stop it from spreading before it kills him."

"What do you need?" Bofur asked.

Sepha sighed and shook her head, "Kingsfoil... and quickly."

The dwarf nodded and bolted off to search for the said weed. It seemed forever that he was gone. Sepha sat next to Kili and kept whispering to him, humming but he was in too much pain.

"What is taking him so long?" Fili insisted, getting worried.

Sepha shook her head but she was cut off by the sound of footsteps above them..... there was dead silence.... then out of nowhere Sigrid, who had gone out to look for their father, let out a scream and came running back in with an orc close behind. Fili was on the orc in an instant while the two girls hid under the table. Bain tried his hardest to help by throwing things at the orcs but there were more and more coming.

Sepha covered Kili with a blanket and looked around. She saw Fili almost hurt himself knocking an orc down and she felt fury rise in her body. She remembered the promise she made to Thorin, telling him she would protect his nephews no matter what. No one was going to touch Fili or Kili when she was on duty.

Her hair suddenly turned a bright purple and she missed the shocked look on Kili's face when her eyes turned a shade of violet and she morphed into a giant wolf. She let out an angry growl and pounced on the orc who was giving Fili a hard time. She grabbed him by the head and swung him out the window, growling angrily with her hair standing up. FIli looked at her surprised but smiled.

"Take care of Kili," the girl instructed.

Fili nodded and rushed back to his brother's side, leaving Sepha to deal with the orcs. Just when she thought that there couldn't be anymore, more came through the front door.... .and with them.... two familiar elves.

"Tauriel!" Sepha cried.

"What have you gotten yourself into?" the elf asked teasingly, killing an orc.

"Didn't we warn you to stay out of trouble?" a familiar voice asked, turning out to be Legolas.

Sepha smiled, "I cannot help it."

The two elves smiled and began to make quick work of the orcs. Sepha made a leap over the table and knocked down two orcs who had gone for the children. Soon, there weren't any orcs left.

"You killed them all," Bain gasped.

"There are others," Legolas remarked.

Tauriel turned and looked at kili who was writhing on the floor in pain. She lifted her eyes and looked at Legolas who stood in the doorway. The elf nodded.

"I'll be back."

Tauriel nodded thankfully and just then, Bofur came back, carrying kings foil.

Tauriel approached him and began talking to Oin and Fili while Sepha morphed back to human.

"How did you do that?" Tilda asked, staring.

Sepha smiled, "It's a long story."

"Kili's getting worse," Tauriel warned her, "We need to hold him down. I need you to heat this water Sepha."

Over the Mountains // Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now