Chapter 24

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(Picture is Killian)

It had been a long day for Thorin. Fili had come bursting in at first light to tell Thorin that his wife, Arya was expecting their first. Of course, everyone was excited, especially Throin, Sepha and Dis but that meant that the rest of the day went slow for Thorin because almost every dwarf he ran into was only half paying attention and most of the time speaking or thinking about the new baby coming up.

Thorin sighed as he reached the door to his chambers and pushed the door open. He made sure to not do it too loud just in case the baby was sleeping. As he pushed it open, he stopped and leant against the door. He did this every time he came home after a long day for no matter what time or what day it was, it was always his favorite part of the day.

Sepha was sitting in a rocking chair by the fire, her belly swollen widely, for, Arya wasn't the only one expecting. Sepha was eight months heavily pregnant and of course the whole company were betting that it would be another boy.

Sitting next to Sepha on the chair was the baby, Fillian who was barely a year old. He was a splitting image of Sepha except for the bright blue eyes which he gained from his father. His features were sharp like Thorin's but his lips were full and pouty and his hair wavy and thick like Sepha's.

Fillian was sound asleep, his head leaning against Sepha's large belly and his small fist gripping a handful of her dress. On the floor, three year old Thora and two year old Killian were playing with wooden blocks that Thorin had made them.

Thora was Sepha through and through especially with the brown hair and green eyes but her features held much more of Thorin. Killian was without a doubt, just like his father and uncommonly like his cousin after whom he had been named. When Killian was born, neither Sepha nor Thorin were expecting him to look so much like Kili.... or act so much like him but he did and it was a welcome sight especially to FIli who practically doted on the boy.

"Amad," Thora said, looking up from her block tower. "Can you sing to us?"

Sepha smiled and Thorin felt himself smiling as well. At one time of the day or another, one of the children would ask Sepha to sing and most of the time it sent all three of them to sleep. They usually asked when they were tired and Sepha's voice always calmed them, especially Killian (no surprise there).

"Of course," sepha replied as Killian climbed into her lap.

"What will you sing this time?" Killian whispered, laying his head against his mother's belly.

Sepha pursed her lips together and thought, "I think I have a new one today."

"What's it about?" Thora asked, laying her belly and resting her plump chin in her hands.

"It's about trust.... and finding the right person," Sepha replied.

"Oooh!" Thora cooed. she was always the one who adored listening to her parents tell stories about their journeys and adventures. Of course, Thora always loved hearing Thorin tell the story of their love story because according to Thora, his version was always so much more dramatic, tense and suspenseful. "Like you and adad!"

Sepha smiled and nodded, "Just like us."

Thorin leant his head against the doorframe as Sepha's soft voice filled the room.

When she finished, Sepha lifted her eyes and noticed THorin in the doorway. Thorin was smiling, his whole heart in his eyes. Striding across the room, he scooped up the sleeping form of Thora off the floor and placed her on the bed. He then picked up Fillian and Killian so that they didn't squash their mother and placed them next to Thora before covering them in the covers and kissing their heads.

Over the Mountains // Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now