Chapter 8

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when Persephone finally lifted her head, she saw that they were crossing a bridge.

"Cut the ropes!" she heard THorin yell.

Suddenly, Dwalin lurched and Persephone fell from his back.

"Seph!" She heard several voices cry.

The girl quickly reached out and Kili's hand gripped hers, holding her up. As they swung back a second time, Sepha groaned from the pain in her body and morphed into a wolf. Kili's eyes widened but he was surprised at how much lighter Sepha was in her wolf form.

Gripping onto Kili's hand with her paw, she leapt up and landed on the bridge with the other dwarves. She stumbled but Fili and Kili's arms were at once wrapped around her bushy neck and Kili buried his face in her neck.

"Come on Sepha. Don't die on us now," he whispered.

Sepha sighed and nuzzled his face with her damp nose, "Come on..."

With that, she slowly rose to her feet, wincing at the pain but putting on a brave face, "Climb on."

"you're too weak," Fili protested.

Sepha rolled her violet eyes and fake bared her teeth, "if we want to catch up to the others, we need to hurry."

The two young dwarves wanted to protest but the idea of riding on the back of a giant wolf got the better of them and they climbed on. Fili knew that Sepha whined at the weight but she kept her noble head high and took off.

Kili's fingers curled into her fur and held on while FIli held onto his shoulders.

As they came surging towards the others, the goblin king jumped up and knocked Gandalf over. Kili noticed that the hair on Sepha's back stood up erect and her muscles tensed in anger.

"Jump," she whispered.

the two jumped off her back, landing on either side of Thorin was Sepha took a running leap and slammed her large wolf body into the goblin king. She stared into his horrid eyes for a second before grinning and baring her teeth, she morphed to a human and drove her sword deep into his chest.

Suddenly, the weight of the king's dead body began to destroy the platform and soon they were falling far and fast. Sepha grabbed onto Ori who was about to fall and they tumbled onto the ground while the others got stuck beneath the platform.

"Well that could have been worse," Bofur remarked just before the king's body slammed on top of them.

Sepha cringed as she heard the dwarves groan and mutter curses under their breath. She carefully began to help the dwarves out when kili's shocked voice rang out.


They turned to see a host of goblins running towards them.

"There's too many, we can't fight them," Dwalin said, helping Nori up.

"only one thing will save us," Gandalf said. "Daylight. RUN!"

when they finally stopped outside the goblin caves Gandalf counted heads while Sepha leant against a tree for support.

"Where's Bilbo?" Gandalf asked. "Where is our hobbit?"

Sepha looked around while the dwarves began to bicker about who had seen him.

"I think I saw him slip away when they first collared us," Nori said.

"What happened exactly?" Gandalf insisted. "Tell me!"

"I'll tell you what happened," Thorin snapped. "Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it. He's thought nothing of his soft bed and his warm hearth since he first stepped out of his door. We wont be seeing our hobbit again. He is long gone."

Over the Mountains // Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now