Chapter 12

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It was their third day staying with Beorn and they were planning on leaving the next morning. They were going to leave that day since Sepha was fully healed now but Beorn insisted they wait one more day so that he could scout the area for Azog. the orc had strangely disapeared and that worried them.

Thorin was finding it rather hard to do anything without staring at Persephone. The girl was watching Bofur and Nori doing spoon tricks, laughing with Fili and Kili and Thorin had been caught staring several times. He didn't really care that Balin and Dwalin caught him staring for they obviously knew about his feelings but for some reason, Persephone was on alert. He wondered if someone had told her what he had muttered in kuzdul. That would explain why she kept looking over at him occasionally, out of the time catching him watching her.

"If you keep staring your eyes are going to wear out," Balin muttered, coming to sit next to Thorin.

The dwarf prince was seated on a bench across the room from the others, leaning on his knees and fidgeting with his hands. His blue eyes intensely watching Persephone.

"I can't help it," the dwarf whispered back.

Balin smiled, "I don't expect you to help it. I expect you to do something about it."

Thorin finally tore his eyes from Persephone and looked at Balin, "What do you mean?"

"If you keep staring you'll either scare the poor lass or she'll start to think something is wrong. Also, if you dont stake a claim soon, someone will come along and snatch the lass. She's old enough to wed and with those looks and her traveling as much as she does, I find it a miracle that someone hasn't courted her yet."

Thorin shook his head, "But how do I do that? She doesn't know any of the dwarfish customs."

Balin smiled, "Well some of them are obvious. Like shows of physical strength."

Thorin opened his mouth to point out that he had joined in the sparring but Balin shook his head, "Without invitation. You have to do it without Dwalin inviting you to do it."

Thorin sighed and ran his hands over his face, "But what will that do when she doesn't know the meaning behind it?"

Balin shrugged, "As the trip goes on I can gradually explain the customs of dwarfish courting to her. I can tell her that you brought up that she doesn't know much and I'll offer to teach her. That way, you can begin to show small signs of affection and she can understand."

"But why must I show a feet of physical strength?"

"To impress her laddie," Balin said. "Try to think outside the box. Forget the customs for a moment and think about winning her. You are obviously impressed with her beyond doubt but you have never tried to impress her."

"I didn't want to see like a showoff," Thorin mumbled.

Balin smirked, "Which is a side of you I appreciate. If you don't want her to think of you as a showoff, show physical strength and act like you don't know she's there."

Thorin sat there thinking about it a moment before nodding, "Alright.... when?"

"Now," Balin suggested. "I'll be sure to make sure the lass follows within five minutes."

Thorin nodded and rising to his feet, he headed out of the house. Balin casually walked over to the table and sat down with the others. Occasionally he peered out the window and he could see that Thorin was having trouble figuring something out. He wasn't going to give up on the dwarf prince so easily so he decided to give him a boost.

"Laddies, when was the last time you washed your clothes?" Balin asked, wrinkling his nose.

The dwarves were about to point out that they never wash their things but Balin gave them a warning look. Persephone perked up.

Over the Mountains // Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now