Chapter 22

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A WEEKLY MORBID DOCUMENTARY series called 'Funerals' was the most popular television show on NBC that had very high ratings. It featured male funerals of the high profiles and male celebrities.

Other segments in the show featured funerals around the world, where mourning women grieved in various nations and cultures — there were also episodes of global, cultural, burial ceremonies and funeral rituals from the laymen to royalties alike — such as the mass open grave burials in China to a single impoverished casket that was sardine-stacked with dead boys in poverty-stricken Peru.

There was an episode on the concerns of lack of burial grounds in the west — protesting in nude, female tree-huggers societies in Europe, who wanted the dead males to be incinerated instead — the groups were arrested after they rioted naked by the thousands in the several major cities, and even, torched down coffin-making IKEA factories in Sweden.

There were also Asian reports on custom-made bizarre geek coffins designs, popular in Japan — and to the weird anomaly episode such as the Macau cruise-liners funerals, which engaged strippers' skin-shows for the dead rich-males before their bodies were sunk-buried at sea — with a 'final gala show-girls entertainment' before the departed 'souls' crossed over to the afterlife.

The other stories that concerned many — were the rise of necrophilia fascination in pop-culture — and also the trend of bosom mastectomy, as the in-thing surgery among the lesbian neo-males community.

When the television station announced that the week's episode of the popular show would be rescheduled for live special broadcast — it angered many of its loyal viewers, who jammed up the TV station's telephones lines.

But, when the station made another announcement that Oprah would be appearing live in the special broadcast — the ratings instantly quadrupled.


Before the breaking news, a female TV show host made an introduction, by reporting the current, world's population that had significantly plummeted in less than a year ever since the rampant spread of the biological, male genetic-killer feared as the Medusa Virus. The recent World Health Organization statistics showed that there was less than 3% of the male population were left remaining worldwide, with the death toll of millions of men still continuing to rise every day...

She then ambiguously stated if this was the end of the human civilization race, which was a question the audience might have to ask themselves — but the TV host was quick to add, the optimistic news of the recent development of miracle happenings — where the phenomenon reports, of birth of 'male' babies occurring in the recent days...

The first accounted finding was in a hospital in New Delhi, India...

... where a premature 'baby boy' was born...

Days later, many other medical investigation reports were on other TV stations and social-media from all around Eastern Europe, Asia, South America and Africa...

... which also, gave similar claims of 'male' children, birth happenings in the regions.

The host of the show then adjoined...

"Is this a miracle that the male species have found strength and resistance in their immune system to fight against the deadly Medusa Virus? We have the full special report from Oprah's interview with Dr Jane Morris, the current head of Pan American Health Organization."


Dr Jane Morris was in a TV studio, sitting opposite to the talk show expert, who came out of retirement to make this exclusive interview...

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