Chapter 6

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ROARING BLARE from the engines of four crop-buster planes just landed nearby Mrs Scott's farmhouse. The two sister-boys—Cynthia and Lee stepped up to welcomed their leaders in the open field. Roxy and her mother Sarah Gailman alight from the planes with a few other armed Aryans women in their Brand uniforms. Bigfoot the tall Aryan bodyguard towered them.

Coming from the barn, Marlin and Joana entered the backdoor of the farmhouse without being spotted; Joana hurried ahead in her crutches with the blonde Intersexual guiding from her rear, keeping a lookout...

Sarah Gailman was in her early fifties—and does not resemble her slender teen physique photos in besides from Mrs Scott's photo-frames display. Over the years, she has turned corpulent, bearing lots of badly designed tattoos of The Aryan Brotherhood and death-metal rock bands of the pre-Medusa days on both her chubby arms—the tattoos were inked from her hands and right up to her neck. A single tear-drop tattoo marked on her left cheek. A nose ring and facial studs were also observable.

Sarah and Roxy led the rest of the Aryan soldiers, approaching the farmhouse porch...


Joana dropped her bathrobe and slipped on a simple house dress over her head in a hurry in her bedroom. In the hall, Marlin spotted Mrs Edna Scott picking up a shotgun and she stormed to the front door—he followed from the back to the porch and caught the sight of Mrs Scott pointing the shotgun at the approaching women, and saying out to them loudly...

"That is far enough all of you!"

"What now, grandma? We came to see Jo," sighed Roxy Gilman detecting the loaded weapon. The older woman responded immediately...

"She is fine; now turn around and leave my property—you are all not welcome here!"

Her agitated tattooed daughter Sarah hollered back...

"What do you mean—this is my father's property and I got every right to be here because when someday you fucking croak—this place is all mine, you hear me?"

She stepped a few paces forward and Mrs Scott then trained the gun at her.

Even the inconspicuous Marlin learned that there was no love among both...

Sarah spat with censure...

"You have turned the place into an animal shelter—how can you allow filth like that freak inside my father's house?" Marlin was astounded in aphasia to see her hatred finger pointing at him...

"He should be staying in the barn like a nigger and chained up because he is dangerous!"

Roxy stepped up from behind and calmed her fuming mother down, "come on Ma—he is that feller I said who saved Jo in New Orleans, and he brought her back here. What's his name?—Fisher, yeah..."

The obese woman calmed down while Roxy added more assuring words, "Lee and Cynthia are keeping an eye on him—he is no threat to anyone, Ma."

Everyone was then distracted when Joana came out from the front door and stood beside her grandmother.

"Grandma, please put the gun away."

Sarah called out with her arms wide open. "Jo, you alright, my pumpkin?"

"Yeah Ma, I am fine," Joana staggered to come down the stairs with her aluminium crutches. Mrs Scott released the safety of the gun, cautioning aloud in acrid...

"Jo, you get your pumpkin butt back into the house now! You take one more step down, I will shoot the very leg that I had fixed!"


Joana was agape in disbelief to hear grandma speaking in the manner for the first time in her life; Joana now slowly retreated back to the porch.

Sarah tried to reach for her and she demanded. "Jo, we came to take you back, baby—you are coming back with us now!"

Mrs Scott grabbed Joana's arm and tugged her up on the porch while training the shotgun specifically at Sarah and altercated...

"No, she is not going anywhere, Sarah! I had enough of your stupid cause and all of its nonsense. You are sending innocent women and children to the battlefield to be shot at and killed—what kind of parenting is that to send a 17-year-old girl like Jo out there to die?"

"You don't talk about bad parenting, you old fool. You were a control freak and that is why my sister ran away from home and she died in New York. She could have succeeded over there but you made it your personal mission and went all the way there after her, just to put a stop her dreams! I blame you for Andrea's death, you bitch!" the cantankerous menacing Sarah defied boldly with her finger now pointing at Edna Scott.

Roxy came once again from the back and grabbed her oversized mother from walking towards the pointed shotgun barrel...

Roxy exclaimed out to them, "Jesus on a stick! Okay Ma, okay! Enough, both of you!" She tried to appease and diffuse the bane situation...

"This is the reason I never got married and have children issues like the both of you, warring hags—it is freakin' messy!"

Roxy was doing a bad job as the family's arbitrator. After today's confrontation, she was certain her grandma will certainly pull the trigger of the shotgun after the recent Aryan massacre in New Orleans, with her granddaughter Joana who was almost left behind over there to die.

Sarah now turned and she pushed the clutching Roxy away. Venting at her oldest daughter in return... "Oh yeah, you moron—you almost did hitch with that albino cunt, have you forgotten that chapter in your motorcycle diaries?"

"Shut up Ma, now don't you go digging up my dirt!"

True enough, Edna Scott fired a warning shot in the air to everybody's surprise—and hollered at the Aryans cabal on her lawn...

"Go, get out off my property all of you—you redneck pile of trash!"

Marlin noticed Sarah giving back a hard stare before walked away to the rest of the Aryans sister-boys behind—leaving Roxy standing alone with her bodyguard Bigfoot facing her grandmother. Roxy noticed that Joana was in distressed tears over the family squabble, slightly bleeding in her bandages —and don't look fit enough to travel back...

"Hey Grandma, listen here—I will be back in 2 days on Friday, okay? Jo should be okay by then—and this time she is following me back!" Edna Scott silently took her granddaughter inside and slammed the front door.

Marlin was left alone outside— the rubbernecking Roxy looked at the house-arrest captive and cautioned...

"See you around, Fish—remember what I told you about my sister—don't you go breeding any fries."

He gaped at Roxy turning away, trailing with the rest of the Aryans from the back with Bigfoot beside her. The others walked ahead following the fuming Sarah Gilman back to their planes.

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