The Roundup [4 of 7]

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A HELICOPTER hovered over the closed dome of 'The Cowboys Stadium' in Dallas, Texas. Inside the passenger-holding, were the seated Lucinda Gates and Agent Wolfe.

"We are going to make a short stopover."

Agent Wolfe then inquired in surprise, looking below. ..

"In a football stadium, Miss Gates?"

Lucinda Gates responded with a nod, "Yes, since you just joined the staff, so I have got some classified details to show you — and bring you up to speed."

The chopper landed on helipad, the visitors from Washington D.C. descended. A military brass was waiting for them with a dozen female soldiers. Everyone including the brass saluted them...

"I am Lt. Col Brighton, second-in-command — and I will be escorting you in the facility for inspection, Ma'am!" Lucinda Gates did not look impressed...

"Where is Colonel Sutherland? She has not been sending her reports regularly to Washington — I want to see her now."

"Colonel Sutherland is absent from the base, she is on maternity leave, Ma'am!"

Gates glanced back at Wolfe and shook her head in disbelief, she made a Cory-like remark...

"Oh, she is having a baby? I thought she was a dyke like you, Brighton — (okay, don't answer that) — now hurry on, and take us to the Kraken."

"Yes Ma'am," the discomfited Lt. Col Brighton responded.

They stepped into a state-of-the-art elevator — and Wolfe's jaw dropped, by what she saw from the top-tier view of the domed structure interior — the entire gigantic stadium had all the spectator seats removed. Lots of cables zigzag-ed from the ground, to the roof of the dome...

"Ms Gates, what is this place now?"

Lucinda Gates gloated, looking at the befuddled Agatha Wolfe's looks...

"This is Operation Kraken. Welcome to the future of our country's super-military."

On the field were about five thousand Intersexuals in maroon army fatigues, moving in unison, practising their combat martial art moves. Other hundreds of the Intersexual were climbing and swinging down the suspended cables. Some smaller groups in circles were on the ground — they spared in vigorous, unarmed-combat moves among themselves.

Agent Wolfe was still baffled...

"How did you manage to recruit, these many shemales?"

Lucinda Gates, who was the President's sycophant counsellor, responded...

"Not recruited Agent Wolfe — we actually bred them. This is Madeline Cory's pet project that she did her visionary groundwork much ahead, before going into politics."

Her deceased husband, Richard Cory was one of the private defence contractors, during the pre-Medusa government administration — and one of the classified projects back then, that he was involved in — was in devising the country's super-soldiers' projection. Richard later left the defence industry to pursue a career in politics — and years later, became the Senator of Pennsylvania.

After his disgraceful suicide death, Madeline had used his resources to initiate the project back again. She then took advantage of the Medusa situation of males' death — to gain access of a totally new global military power, which she intended to accomplish by using the Operation Kraken project — with her very-own breeding of an army, of mind-controlled Intersexuals.

"It has been the President's philosophy that to be a global leader — a country must rebuild and possess the best possible defence and offence army — and today, this is our proof in hand — with these ultimate-combat soldiers, who in years to come, will give rise to our country back to the dominant military force again, like she once was."

"But, what do you mean that they were all bred, Ms Gates?"

Lucinda gave a summarized background as they walked along the circular pathway, watching the spectacle of the military training below...

"Okay, to give you a better understanding — we backtrack to when the Medusa Virus first hit us, and the male species back then had produced the contaminated bodily semen — that resulted to the birth of these shemales, as we know now.

"The infected male donors too contributed their semen at that period, for less than a year to the National Sperm bank — but, it was stored separately from the rest of the healthy semen, donated during the pre-Medusa days...

"At that moment of time, there were close to a million Free-males born into families in America — and even old Anne Rosewood was smart enough, and did not want to use the contaminated semen for breeding, with the fear of over-population of shemales, or else — we will be like China or India, if that happens, with the ratio of one shemale to 4 females...

"Anyway, ours currently is at a safe zone — of one freak to 20,000 females...

"Then, without the knowledge of the Rosewood administration, we had secretly, acquired the bulk of the contaminated semen — and we then, we bred these futuristic soldiers that you are witnessing now...

"They are also 12 years of age like the rest of the shemale population — but, by the end of our first term in office, they will be older teens — and also, they will be well-equipped for combat, and ...

"They will be an integral part of serving our current armed forces."

Agent Wolfe's voice shook when she asked next of what she was afraid to know — being an ex-Marine, Wolfe was capable to evaluate the emerging calamitous possibilities — and she opined...

"Miss Gates, have you ever considered the disastrous implication — if these fuckers should revolt against us?

"The female population will not have any chance, or the hope — to fight against them — if, there was one happening, in the near future..."

The adherent of the president laughed out, with self-assurance...

"A good question Agent Wolfe, and in fact, our Madeline Cory had envisioned the contingency to that, and — she has also thought of that virulent scenario too. You see, all these soldiers have a microchip implanted into them — and with a flick of a switch to a frequency, their brains will be fried by a small certain electro-magnetic microwave impulse to disable them — and in a matter of days, they will be more like 'Fried Comatose-cauliflower Vegetable' from a Cantonese restaurant menu...

"No worries too, these inferiors being have also been conditioned, ever since their birth to obey our orders — and not the other way around."


The Cory's New Order government was rebuilding and shaping itself up fast — where it now moulded its rapacious dominatrix specie — to be back in full control of the country — by being one of the Alpha-leaders in controlling of the global economic with its military superpowers dynamics, as it once gloriously was, during the pre-Medusa era...

Soon, when that day arrived — Madeline Cory would be the most feared president in the world.

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