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Arlo sunk into her bed, allowing the covers to engulf her and she did a happy sound as she snuggled.

"I should go." Kian then said to Atlas who from the doorway, he looked at him and shook his head.

"Dude you've never been able to hang round here, make the most of it while she's high off her head." Atlas chuckled and Kian looked to his badly bitten fingernails and then up to Atlas.

"Is that why she's being nice?" He asked quietly "Did the doctor say she was out of it because of the drugs?"

For some reason something in Kian's stomach had dropped, he didn't know why, he knew for a fact she wasn't just going to hit her head and think let's just be nice to Kian.

Atlas on the other hand felt a massive swarm of guilt, mainly because he'd just lied to his best friend because he knew for a fact that the drugs had worn off and two because he was sure his little sister had some sort of amnesia from the hit.

He couldn't tell the doctors, if they knew she hadn't fully recovered she'd have had to stay in hospital and they just genuinely couldn't afford it.

"After all I need someone to stay with her and keep an eye out while I go ring The Dragon."

And by that Atlas meant the twins mother who was too say the least very fiery and would not be happy that after being left alone together Arlo had already nearly died.

"Maybe, dude, you shouldn't tell her." Kian suggested making Atlas stop walking and look up from his phone "She's alive and well, there's no reason to tell your mom."

Atlas thought about it for a second and nodded in agreement looking towards his sister in her double bed.

"Maybe you should call your dad?" Kian then said with a brow raise, he'd started to lean on the door frame as he spoke.

"You think?" Atlas asked his best friend, the only person who truly knew his family inside out.

"He's gonna be the only person that's going to help with finance-" Kian stated "-and with Arlo bed bound your rents gonna be double"

Atlas' mouth gaped open in realisation and Kian sent him a sad smile. They all knew that their father would have the financial capability to keep them stable.

When Atlas disappeared with the phone to his ear, Kian slowly spun to Arlo her eyes softly shut. She looked pretty though he'd never admit it.

And then under his breath he whispered,

"Fuck, Arlo."

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