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"Thanks for that." Arlo giggled to Kian who put his finger to his lips. The pair were hiding from Atlas who was currently counting to 100 for hide and seek.

"Your hiding spots are always rubbish." he teased and she pouted at what he said but he took her into an apology hug.

"You're in my room anyway." she replied looking around at the ballerinas and blushing.

"I know, it's very pretty." he complemented "Do you like dancing?" Kian asked Arlo who nodded like a bobble head.

"Yes!" She said excitedly "I want to be a ballet dancer, the best in the whole entire world."

"I bet you will be." Kian said nodding "I bet you're already the best in the entire world." he said holding his head high as he said it to her.

Arlo giggled and started to blush, she didn't know what was happening until Kian leant forward and pressed his lips on hers.

Arlo's eyes were still open but the longer the kiss went on the more she screwed her eyes shut and allowed the aggressive peck to be a little nicer.

She knew it was right, she had liked Kian for FOREVER and she was sure he liked her too.

It all happened in the same moment but Atlas opened the door and witness his little sister and best friend kissing.

"EW!" He gasped in disgust pointing to the girl and boy who pulled away immediately "That's gross."

After that day Atlas took Arlo to one side he said that they wasn't to keep kissing because it would ruin Atlas and Kian's friendship and that Kian would make Arlo cry.

Arlo trusted her brother and she really didn't want to cry and she DEFINITELY didn't want Atlas to not have a best friend anymore.

So the next time Kian and Arlo saw each other she punched him in the face and from then on, they didn't talk.

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