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Arlo had climbed in her car, she knew she shouldn't have done it but she did and she drove away from the house with her head swarming.

How could he have just sat there and pretended to be okay with her and act like things were okay when he knew what happened before the accident?

If he truly didn't care about her and hated her so much then why was he looking out for her after the accident?

Why would he give up everything to stay with her?

To take her on trips and adventures and listen to her moan about being bed bound?

Nothing made sense in her head she felt confused at what was going on.

She understood why Atlas had kept it from her but why suddenly would he blurt it out?

Was it really to save her heart or was it jealousy?

Was she taking up to much off his best friends time and he couldn't deal with it?

Was that the type of brother he was?

She didn't know and she wished she knew because not remembering made her angry, angry to the point where the knuckles were turning white as her hands gripped the steering wheel.

Why didn't she remember?

Was it supposed to be fate?

Was it supposed to be that her and Kian got a new fresh start so that something new could blossom?

Arlo couldn't find her head, she was sure she was speeding as she whipped round a bend but she didn't care because her mind was working over time and if speed was the only way to combat it then so be it.

She dodged round another corner now obviously going over the limit because she felt her back end swerve but for some reason she didn't stop.

There were no other cars on the road, they were empty and deserted the complete contrast to her head which was pounding with thoughts and ideas.

She spun round another bend and the ground must have been significantly slipperier because she lost control of the wheel and in a matter of seconds she was slammed into a tree.

The trunk sliced the front bonnet like a cheese knife and Arlo's body flew forward as the airbag presented itself to stop her from head butting the wheel.

Blood trickled down a cut on her forehead and she allowed herself in total bliss to lay lifelessly over the airbag as her mind flickered.

At first she saw black and then white and then like a Polaroid camera snapping a picture she became blinded by bright lights, a mental photo appearing each time.

Was she remembering?

Or was this her completely forgetting?

The photos kept coming like a reel and Arlo's breathing started to slow down so she could only focus on the pictures.


Her mom.

Her father.

Her siblings.



And right before everything cut out, there was


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