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Mr Young had made sure to put forward the best detectives and sure enough the officers arrived that afternoon to talk to Arlo about what had happened.

She asked for Atlas to stay downstairs with her while she explained what had happened, she had only known prior any information due to her brother explaining.

Kian sat upstairs waiting until they were gone before he was to make a reappearance.

The officer that attended the home was bald, he looked young enough to not have kids but older than the twins.

He had a back up officer with him that during the interview left to attend some other business leaving the bald man alone with them both.

"And can you describe the car?" The officer asked and Arlo turned to her brother.

Atlas had forgotten something in the car and had ran back to get it leaving Arlo stood just simply on the sidewalk, not in harms way, or so it seemed.

"It was a black ford, I think." Atlas responded "He came round the corner at such a speed his foot must've been pressed all the way to the floor."

Atlas turned to his sister who was younger only by an hour, he wondered if any of the description was helping her remember but it simply was not.

"And did the driver look male or female? Anyone you recognise? Would you be able to sketch his face or at least remember his features?"

Atlas shook his head looking at his hands, he felt guilty that he hadn't paid more attention because then he could be more of a help but instead he felt useless.

"From the looks of the figure it was male, definitely intoxicated he was swerving all over." Atlas finally responded and the bald officer wrote it down in his notes.

"Intoxicated?" The officer then questioned.

"Well, yes." Atlas responded dumbly "Why else would a car with no other surroundings derail from the road and hit a pedestrian far enough on the sidewalk that she landed in a front yard."

Atlas then said angrily, his voice raising. Before he could get anymore frustrated the officer stood from the sofa he was placed in and thanked the twins before letting himself out.

Arlo turned to her brother obviously angered and whispered softly,

"I'll go get Kian."

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