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"Please." begged Atlas "Stay in with me." he whined pulling on his sisters sleeve as if he was a child.

The girl was supposed to be going out with some coworkers from the coffee shop and that wouldn't have usually been an issue for Atlas until he was fucked over by Kian.

"You should've kept your dog on a better leash." she joked around and Atlas slapped Arlo in the arm and she giggled.

"Cmon, please I'll do whatever you want, we can make cookies." he put his hands together in a prayer sign.

Arlo looked down at the time displayed on her phone and sighed, if she was going to make it on time she'd need to do her hair and make up in seconds.

"Fine-" she snapped holding up her finger "-but you owe me."

Atlas began bouncing round their house, pulling Arlo as they spun round the kitchen collecting ingredients.

She daren't admit it but she was happy she was taking a rain check on her friends because she never got to spend time with her brother anymore.

During a rendition of high school musical the doorbell rang and Arlo turned to Atlas and scowled,

"Did you literally Uber eats something?" She asked and Atlas held up his hands as if to tell her that of course he hadn't.

Arlo snuck towards the door and opened it a slight to have a look who was behind it and then in a huff she swung it open.

"What the fuck do you want." Arlo spat towards Kian who was stood on the doorstep, he rolled his eyes.

"Move over I want to talk to Atlas." Kian said stepping forward and Arlo growled at him.

"I think the fuck not." she pushed his chest back and he moved away from the door "He doesn't want to speak to you." Arlo spat but she was pulled backwards by her brother.

"Hey, it's okay let me talk to him." he said in his soft and calming tone and Arlo gritted her teeth and stepped backwards allowing him to stand face to face.

Arlo backed off only because she felt too annoyed and when she finally calmed down Atlas came into the kitchen and sighed.

"Me and Kian are going out, are you okay taking the cookies out the oven."

Arlo looked at him in disbelief, she'd completely given up her plans for a night with him and then he was leaving.

"Fucking typical." she spat and then slammed the door behind them.

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