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"It's normal." Atlas assured Arlo as he took her hand in his, she rarely came to parties with him because their ideas of fun were very varied.

Arlo had decided to join Atlas for the first time mainly because she didn't want to be left at home with their mothers new boyfriend because he was more bothered about his alcohol and TV scheduling.

"Is Kian going to be here?" Arlo asked her brother, even though she hated the boy and she didn't want him to be attending, there was also a part of her that desperately wanted him to be.

Because he made her feel safe.

"Yeah, he said he's out back." Atlas responded still pulling his sister through the grinding bodies and finally they hit fresh air.

"Look who escaped jail." Kian laughed towards Arlo who folded her arms across her chest, she was still in jeans but her top was probably the most revealing Kian had ever seen.

"Fuck you, Lawley." she responded moodily "I don't even want to be here."

"Oh lighten up." Atlas said wrapping his arms round her waist and picking her up off the floor enough to make her squirm. "It's one night."

Kian couldn't help but feel some kind of way when he laid eyes on Arlo, she looked different of course but it wasn't even about how much skin she was showing.

It was her lack of confidence.

"You look like you need a drink... or ten." Kian said throwing her an unopened can knowing that it would fizz if she was to attempt to open the cap so suddenly.

Arlo shot a glance to her brother who seemed approving which was weird because she would have expected him to try and tell her what not to do.

She drank, not a lot but enough for her head to go hazy. She was also intoxicated enough to not start anymore fights with Kian.

And surprisingly when a fight did kick off between Kian, Atlas and a boy from school- Arlo was the one who pulled back Kian.

It wasn't that she cared more about him, she just knew that he'd do more damage and she didn't want the cops to be called.

On their way stumbling home, Atlas hooked arms with his sister, he was way more fucked and the bright lights of oncoming cars made him pause his movements.

"Come here let me carry him." Kian said taking Atlas from Arlo.

Arlo thought that it was because he wanted to prove he was better and stronger.

All Kian just wanted to do was help.

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