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"Kian." Arlo said towards Atlas as she parked up the car on the sidewalk it wasn't far from the store but she just wasn't ready for how busy the car park was going to be so she chose the option of the sidewalk.

"Kian?" Atlas asked confused turning to the girl, the engine of the car was off but yet she still held the wheel as if she was driving and her eyes were still stuck ahead.

"I don't know what to do anymore, Atlas." she whispered on the verge of crying "I can't keep arguing with him, or seeing him or hearing his voice-"

"Arlo, we've been through this." Atlas said cutting off his sister and sighing "I'm not gonna stop being his friend so that you can never see him again, it's unfair."

Arlo turned to Atlas finally with tears spilling from her eyes.

"Then let me love him."

Her voice croaked and it sent a sharp spear through Atlas' heart he was trying to protect her and it seemed like all he was doing was hurting her.

"I can't." Atlas whispered "He'll hurt you, I've seen it happen to many girls and I can't have you that broken." he ran a hand over his face "You know I'm doing it because I love you, don't you?"

Arlo burst out the car in a huff and started to walk away from him so he too climbed out the car and ran to catch up with her.

"Arlo, Cmon stop." he said pulling her arm back and finally she stopped, which was good because when Atlas patted his pants down he seemed to have left his phone in the aux.

Arlo stayed completely still in her place as she watch her brother return back to the car, her face was still trailed with tears and her heart was pounding.

She loved Kian and she wanted to stop the whole facade and just tell him even if he couldn't say it back anymore.

Atlas dove in the car and retrieved his phone quick enough for him to look over the roof of the car as a black ford at an immense speed swerved round the corner.

"What the fuck." he muttered to himself watching the car bounce like a game of pong from side to side, the driver obviously drunk.

Arlo saw the car coming too but it was on the complete opposite side to her so she didn't worry not until she impacted with its bonnet and she heard her brother yell her name.

She tasted copper and her vision went from hazy to next to none, her body felt dense and yet weightless.

Atlas began to sprint he wanted to grab hold of the car and pull it backwards but it sped away leaving the picture of his lifeless sister on the ground.

Arlo could still kind of hear even when her vision was black.

"Kian!" Atlas said down the phone panicked.

Arlo smiled at his name and her heart felt light, she felt as if just with his name her body was starting to float towards the clouds.

Kian, she thought, Kian and his friendly eyes and bad humour.

Kian and his large hands usually painted with black polish and garnished with rings.

Kian and his warming laugh and soft smile.

Kian and his hot anger and clenched jaw.

Kian, she thought.

Kian and his CHOCOLATE curled hair.

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