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Kian looked around from the door frame, in earshot he could hear the mumble of Atlas on his phone and in front of him a little clearer he could hear Arlo's soft snores.

He took a step into her bedroom wondering whether if she was to wake up, would she shout and scream at him for stepping foot in her room?

He took that time to look around at what her room looked like, in his head he expected it to still be pink with ballerinas all over it but that's because he knew what her childhood bedroom looked like back at her old house.

That was the last time he was allowed to step foot in her bedroom, he also didn't know why he remembered it so clearly if he was so young but maybe it's because that day was the last time she was ever nice to him.

Their arguments had got progressively worse, at the start it was just teasing and pulling pigtails and then she thought her insults were the best thing ever and then it got malicious and the words really started to hurt.

Upon one wall was a litter of photos, she had all sorts ranging from her baby photos to ones he recognised as being days old.

His eyes were drawn for some reason to the ones where she was smiling the most, her dimples showing and her eyes glistening.

He took a perch upon the end of her bed and looked down at her and then his gaze fluttered to her fairy lights.

Her room might not have still been pink but she was still that girly girl he once knew.

Kian looked down at his cargo green pants as they contrasted with the white of her bedsheets. His hands were threaded together in a sweaty mess and he wasn't sure if he should leave or stay.

That's when her dainty voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Hey." she whispered and he spun around to face her, running a hand through his curly brown hair "Kian?"

Kian's heart had started to pound, she knew now that it was him and there was no escape.

But for some reason her nose didn't turn up at the sight of him and instead she smiled.

"Thank you, your car has massively impacted our lives." she giggled a little "We're lucky you're not asking for taxi fees."

Kian laughed a little and he didn't know it but a smile appeared on his face.

"Maybe I will."

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