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Kian arrived outside the hospital, he set both his hands down on the wheel and breathed extremely heavily.

He was the only one who had a car and the twins needed to get home and they definitely didn't have the money to pay for a taxi so Kian was their only option.

Atlas hooked his arm round his little sister as they emerged from the hospital exit and spotted Kian's car just parked up ahead.

Kian from in the car threw them a small wave as a greeting and much to his confusion was met with a soft smile from Arlo.

She, without thought, opened the passenger car door and slipped herself in. She placed her hands on her lap and stayed silent until her brother climbed into the back.

"Everything okay?" Kian asked mainly towards Atlas through the rear view mirror.

"Yes thank you." whispered Arlo from next to him and completely bewildered he turned to look at her.

The ride home was creepily silent or pleasant for that matter, Arlo tapped her fingers to the low hum of Kian's music from the speakers and Atlas never spoke a word.

Kian didn't want to say anything either, he was scared that he might speak normally to her and ruin whatever nice pills she was swallowing.

To lighten the mood, Kian tried to make a joke as he pulled into the sidewalk and parked,

"The taxi's here."

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