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Kian carried Arlo back into the house, he sat her on the sofa and then climbed back up the stairs to check on Atlas.

He wasn't awake but he decided to nudge him just to stir him a little and finally he shuffled round to look at Kian through squinted eyes.

"I slept in, didn't I?" Atlas asked his best friend and Kian nodded with a chuckle and then the pair went silent until Atlas asked "So have you argued with her?"

Kian looked at Atlas and timidly shook his head, half of him was proud and the other half was embarrassed like his status of being the person allowed to bully her was gone.

"Well I'm glad." Atlas smiled "It's nice you being here and helping out."

Kian smiled and hugged his shirt around him further wondering whether he should ask the question he was dying to ask.

He didn't know why he was so eager but he finally after a neck scratch decided to say it,

"I can stay." he suddenly said "It's better than using gas here and back, plus you might need me."

Atlas looked towards Kian he scowled not because he didn't want him to stay just because it was such a surprise that he would want to spent any time with her.

"KIAN!" Called a happy voice from downstairs, the voice belonged to Arlo and it was painted with a giddiness that Atlas has never heard her use towards him.

"Looks like trouble wants me." he joked nodding downstairs, he stood up ready to leave.

"Wait!" Called Atlas "I think you should stay, it would be nice and helpful to say the least."

Kian sent a smile and a nod towards his best friend, and then in a jokey waiter voice he asked,

"So, do you want a coffee?"

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