Before We Begin...

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Hey guys!

Been a while, huh?

Anyways! I have come back with something I've been wanting to publish FOR FOREVER!

So just a couple warnings!

Your Turn To Die is a game that includes a severe amount of topics which will be in the story like:

*Many depictions of death with blood and some gore

*People dying in all kinds of deathtraps


*Characters dealing with death-related trauma

*Characters having hallucinations from trauma

*Implied abusive relationships

*Mentions of being stalked

*Some elements of body horror

*The reader a.k.a you having panic attacks


That's about it for trigger warnings.

Now a fandom related warning!

A popular ship will show up. I WILL make Nao and Reko have a couple fluffy moments in the book. Lesbians for life ^^

Now some controversy...

I will have shipping moments for Sara with both Keiji and Joe.

Say whatever you want about Keiji x Sara but the girl is practically an adult and Keiji never actually says that he wants a relationship with Sara. As far as I'm concerned, flirty moments with him are just fine.

My excuse for Joe X Sara?

Joe is a sweet ball of sunshine who deserves to experience love.


(He'll probably turn out to be evil in the end knowing how the story is going but I just wanna write him as a sweetheart when I know I can)

Another thing that will be a part of this book issss...

*Drumroll please*


That's right y'all!

You get to decide who lives and who dies!

Whatever you guys will pick, I will play the game myself and write out the script like that if I need to.

Also, I absolutely love Ranmaru (Chapter 3) so I will make the reader have some kind of romantic moments with him. We shall see how far that will go as the story goes on.

Lastly, the game isn't exactly finished yet. If my story contradicts what Nankidai has written and I won't be able to intertwine my fanfic with it, I will edit the book until the story makes sense.

Aaaaand that's about it!

I will update the book every week on Sunday. Time to try out an actual update schedule!

Buckle up y'all, it's gonna be one hell of a ride.

NEW EDIT: I'm aware of how problematic the Keiji X Sara shipping is. When I started this story I was 16 and didn't really consider how weird it could possibly be. The Japanese consent laws made me think it was okay, but now I know that it's not. I am now almost 18 and have learnt my lesson. I hope you can look past those details and still enjoy the story while I work on building up motivation to write again. The constant comments that remind me of this mistake are not helping. Thank you for reading.

Enjoy the story!


Kaja is finished here ^^

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