Chapter 2 - Headspace

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"Where have you been?" her friend gasped as she spotted Keira making her way through the crowd towards her. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Keira shouldered her way through the last line of people before breaking out the other side. They were in a small alcove, away from the bustling fans as they quickly hurried to their seats.

"Relax, Tara," she said above the noise of the crowd. "I was just having a wander."

Tara shot her an incredulous look before punching her lightly on the shoulder. "I was worried about you. I know how things like this can freak you."

"I'm fine," Keira only said.

She wasn't really sure how to explain the fact that she'd just run into Lewis Capaldi. The man who every one of these people had come to see. Whose name would be on their lips as they chanted for him to appear on stage. Something warm fluttered in her chest at the thought, but she ignored it. She also ignored the memory of his laugh, the playful grin that had been glued to his face; the way his hair had fallen into his eyes. This was ridiculous. She had never even thought about him that way. Keira had loved his music, yes. But she'd never thought she'd become attracted to him.

"Okay, well the show's about to start. Hopefully we can still get a good position by the stage," Tara said.

Before Keira could reply, her friend grabbed her hand and launched them into the crowd, weaving their way through the sea of bodies. She followed Tara through the entrance that led into the main arena. Blue and red washed the room, lining people's faces as they bopped their heads to the background music. Tara was relentless, squeezing them through miniscule gaps as she pushed through the lines of fans.

"Sorry," Keira muttered as she bumped into a woman, almost spilling her drink.

But Tara didn't stop. Didn't stop until they had found their place alongside the barrier, no matter how many angry faces it caused as they sidled up to the front of the stage.

"There," her friend blew out a breath, flashing a sweet smile at the scowling couple across from them. "We made it."

"Barely," Keira replied as someone nudged against her, forcing her into the barrier.

She grunted and the realisation of thousands of people being around her finally kicked in. Suddenly it was hard to breathe. She tried to stay calm, to slow her breaths and focus her mind but it was all getting too much again. Panic began to rise within her, her heart hammering against her chest. This was a mistake. This was all a mistake. She couldn't . . . Memories of the accident flashed through her mind, the tangle of legs, darkness.


Was that someone calling her name? She couldn't tell above the rushing in her ears. The room began swaying as she gripped onto the barrier so tightly that her knuckles went white.

"Keira." She felt her friend hold her arm gently. "Keira just breathe."

Tara was about to call for help when in a heartbeat, the lights dimmed and the crowd went wild. Screams and whoops tore through the high-roofed arena. People were jumping, frantically waving their arms as a figure appeared by the side of the stage. Out of the darkness, Lewis Capaldi strolled onto the stage, a microphone in one hand. His band followed suit, filing in behind him before assuming their position behind the drum kit and keyboard.

Keira tried to steady her breathing, but the loud noise was just making things worse. Her head rattled and throbbed.  She needed to leave. She needed to . . .

Keira looked up to find Lewis watching her from the stage. Concern flooded his face as their eyes met and she knew straight away that he understood. His gaze flicked from Keira, to the crowd, then back to her. As they locked eyes, he dipped his head and mouthed you okay?

Perhaps it was the pure softness in his eyes, or the fact that Tara had completely frozen beside her, that Keira nodded back. He didn't tear his gaze away from her and she held on to that. Used it to tether her, ground her once more. The crowd seemed to melt away, the suffocating weight lifted. And she could breathe again. All it took was the small smile that began to tug the corners of his lips for her to forget her fear completely. And suddenly she found herself smiling back. His eyes lingered on her for a second longer before he turned back to his audience and waved.

"Hello," he grinned at the screaming crowd. "My names Lewis Capaldi and I'm from Scotland so it's good to be here. Thank you so much for coming out, this is sick."

Keira didn't think the noise level in that room could get any higher but it found a way somehow.

He began to set the microphone up on its stand as someone from his team hurried on with a guitar. Lewis slung it over his shoulder before speaking again. "If you don't like sad songs, you're not going to enjoy this. I have to make that clear. I do apologise for the depressing music, but yeah, thank you for being here."

The audience was a chorus of laughter and cheers. But Tara was doing none of that. Instead, she was facing Keira, jaw still gaping open.

"What?" Keira asked sheepishly.

"Did he just . . ." she trailed off before pointing her finger towards the stage and back to her.

Keira only shrugged. What was there really to say? Lewis probably didn't even remember her name, only her face. Maybe not even that. He would have done the same to anyone else that was in her situation. It wasn't like it made her special.

"How are you so relaxed about it?" Tara questioned over the blasting music.

Keira shook her head. "I don't see what the big deal is."

"The big deal is he keeps looking over at you. Look, he's doing it right now!"

Keira turned her head only to find him busy focusing on his guitar, watching his fingers as they carefully moved over the strings.

Tara groaned beside her. "I swore he was a second ago."

"Sure," Keira just rolled her eyes as she elbowed her friend in the side. "Let's enjoy the show now, okay? You were the one that dragged me here, remember?"

But Tara was already lost in song, screaming her lungs out, the undulating crowd a sea of writhing arms around them.

No matter how hard Keira tried, she couldn't stop the smile forming on her lips as she watched him play, as his voice danced through the room, filling her ears, her soul. She couldn't deny the warmth that fluttered in her stomach as Lewis flicked his gaze to her. Only for a second. The briefest glance. But it was enough to make her heart stutter.

No, she couldn't stop smiling at all.

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