Chapter 10 - Forever

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Lewis really did drive fast.

Keira had to squeeze on tightly to the bottom of her seat as he veered around bends at speeds she didn't even want to think about.

"Hey, I'm sorry," he said, noticing how she was practically holding on for dear life. "I'll slow down if you'd like?"

His hand moved over to brush hers softly.

She tangled their fingers together. "It's okay. After all, it's your concert we're late for."

He only flashed her a smile before slamming his foot onto the accelerator again. A high-pitched squeal escaped her lips, making them both burst into laughter.

Once they arrived at the arena, Lewis was rushed inside by his manager. Keira quickly followed after, slipping through the back door to where they were led towards his dressing room.

"Lewis, what time do you call this?" his manager muttered. He was tall with a dark beard and mop of hair.

Keira stuck close to Lewis' side, trying not to become too overwhelmed by everything going on around her. Of course, she had been backstage before, but this time was different. Everyone was frantically rushing around, calling instructions between each other. But Lewis was surprisingly calm as he strolled down the corridors, as though things like this happened every night.

She felt his hand gently brush the small of her back as they were guided to the right, down another passageway.

"It's okay," he leant in to whisper against her ear. His hushed words sent a shiver skittering down her spine. "There's still loads of time. People just like to panic."

Keira nodded, trying hard to focus on what he was saying and not the hand he had on her back.

When they reached a set of black doors lining the long brick corridor, Lewis pulled her aside, clasping her wrist gently. "I've got to go and get ready now. You know how it is. Lots of rock star business to get done."

She rolled her eyes but couldn't stop the smile tweaking the corners of her mouth.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, missy," he said, gazing down at her with a grin. "Anyway, I would love for you to meet my bandmates."

Keira's heart began thumping with nerves. She wasn't sure how she felt about meeting Lewis' friends. What if they didn't like her? This was all a bit too soon . . .

"Hey, hey don't be nervous," Lewis soothed, as if sensing the panic on her face. "You'll like them. I mean, they are a bunch of idiots but they are good guys."

"Okay," Keira said with a nod. "Alright, I can do that."

Lewis ran a hand through his messy hair. "If you don't want to, that's fine. I don't want to pressure you into things-"

"No," she cut in, smiling as she shifted closer. Keira softly traced her fingers down his forearms before clutching his hands in hers. "No, I want to."

Lewis had already met Tara. It was only fair if she met his friends too. Plus, Keira was excited to learn more about him, to be introduced to the people in his life.

His eyes seemed to light up at that, a wide smile spreading across his face. "Great. That's great."

Seconds later, a group of four men appeared down the corridor, all in matching black jackets and white t-shirts.

"Lewis, where the hell have you been?" one of them called out before his eyes settled on Keira.

His mouth popped into a surprised O. The group shared a look between each other as they strolled forwards.

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