Chapter 5 - Before You Go

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"Sorry about that," Tara said as she pushed back into the room, her phone still in one hand.

In an instant, Keira lurched out of the chair, quickly busying herself with the guitar lying out on the coffee table. Lewis' deep laugh rumbled from behind her, but she paid him no notice. She didn't need to look to know that he was finding her flustered state funny. And that he was enjoying every second of it.

To her relief, Tara didn't seem to suspect anything. Instead, she turned to Keira before sliding her phone into her pocket. "That was Joe; he's outside waiting to pick us up."

"Who's Joe?" Lewis mused, lifting a brow.

"My boyfriend," Tara only replied. "I'm really sorry but we should get going. Thank you for this."

"Do you have a boyfriend, Keira?" She felt his attention fall on her again, her heart beginning to race.

"Keira? A boyfriend?" Tara scoffed before she could reply. "I don't think I'll ever see the day."

Something like relief passed over his face as he eased out of the chair. "Well it's good to know."

Keira really thought she was going to pass out. God, she already missed the comforting warmth of Lewis beside her, his hand around hers. His breath pricking her skin.

"It's Joe again," Tara said as her phone began to vibrate violently. "We really need to go. Thanks again, Lewis, your show was incredible. This was all incredible, I'm sorry we couldn't stay longer."

Her friend was out of the door in seconds, already groaning down the phone to her long-term boyfriend who was probably bored to death waiting for them.

But now Tara was gone and silence settled, she finally turned to Lewis. "So, I guess this is it?"

"Only if you want it to be?"

They were but inches away from each other now. She could barely resist the urge to reach out and touch his face, to run her fingers through his blond, scruffy hair.

"Do you want it to be?" he asked cautiously.

Keira shook her head, and his smile lit up the room. It was the kind of smile that made everything melt away, a smile she could trust, that she wished she could see for every second of every day. A smile that made her fears disappear.

"Good," he breathed, and she could have sworn his eyes sparkled. "Holy shit Keira, what are you doing to me?"

"What do you mean?" she grinned as he reached over and took her hands in his.

"You make me so nervous," he said. "I never get fucking nervous."

She only giggled. "Lewis Capaldi, finally lost for words? I don't think I can quite believe it."

"Shut up," he said, grinning. "This is your fault, you know? You can't just rock up out of the blue, singing outside my door and expect me to be okay afterwards."

Keira shook her head, her cheeks already hurting from smiling too much.

"Keira!" Tara yelled from the hall. "Hurry up!"

"That's my cue to leave," she said pulling away. But as she reached for the door, Lewis caught her wrist, whirling her back towards him.

"Before you go," he quickly ran towards the dressing table, rummaging in the draws before finding a pen and scrawling his number onto a scrap of music paper. "Take this."

He handed it over, a shy grin on his face. "Just don't . . ."

"I won't," she quickly cut in. Of course she would never share his personal number. She knew what something like that would do to him.

He gave her a grateful nod. "I'll see you soon?"

She could barely think to reply as he brought his hand up and carefully brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. She savoured the touch as he cupped her cheek.

"Yes," she whispered, resting her face in his palm. "I'll see you soon."

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