Chapter 31 - the anniversary

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It was only when Keira was looking through her camera roll at concert pictures and funny selfies that she realised it had almost been two months since her and Lewis started dating.

Had it really been that long? Every day she spent with him still felt so new and exciting.

Recently, Lewis had been away, travelling across the UK for various press events and interviews on the radio. She'd missed him a lot, even after their regular video calls in the evenings. But on Friday, he was coming back, and it just so happened to coincide with the date of their two month anniversary.

Keira knew she wanted to do something special to surprise him when he returned, despite how cringy that might seem.

So, throughout the week she had been busy gathering ingredients to cook them a nice dinner. Usually, they seemed to result to ready-meals or ordering take-outs. Which, most of the time, she enjoyed. But since it was a special occasion, Keira wanted to do something different, to make a nice change.

On the Friday, Keira returned to her apartment after a long day of working at the café, her hair dishevelled and face flushed red from the cold. Lewis had texted her to say he was about an hour away, which just gave her enough time to prepare and cook the dinner.

After changing out of her waitressing uniform and into something a little nicer, Keira set to work in the kitchen. She slid the pasta bake she had made earlier in the week into the oven before beginning to peel potatoes.

Keira wasn't really much of a cook. She had never been good at it. Honestly, she didn't know why she thought this would be a good idea. The slices of potato she cut were already wonky and jagged. It looked like a five-year-old had escaped with a knife and made a mess all over the kitchen counter.

Instead, she decided to turn it into mash, hiding the fact that she was awful at cutting anything food related.

She was just about to set to work on the pile of carrots beside the chopping board when there was a knock on the door.

No. No. No. He was too early. Nothing was ready. She hadn't even had time to set the table.

Great start, Keira thought as she hurried to the door, wishing she wasn't wearing her apron with 'Hot Stuff' printed in bold across it.

But when she pulled open the door and saw Lewis' face, all of her problems seemed to fade away.

He grinned when he took her in, and that smile grew as he noticed the apron.

"Hey," he said before dropping his bags by the door and taking her into his arms.

She squealed as he lifted her up and spun her in a circle.

"Honey, I'm home," he laughed as he placed her back on her feet.

"God, I missed you," she said, hugging him tightly.

His hands rested around her waist, his fingers flexing slightly. "Be careful, those kinds of words go straight to my head, remember?"

She smiled, breathing in his familiar scent. "I'll allow it just this once."

"What's with the apron, dare I ask?" he said, chuckling as they began to move inside.

"I know it never seemed possible, but I am actually cooking something for once," she said, heading back towards the kitchen to begin on the carrots.

"And why is that, Hot Stuff?" he teased, following her in.

"It's been two months since we met, and I wanted to do something to celebrate," she shrugged before turning back to her vegetable preparation.

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