Chapter 33 - secrets

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Daylight woke her up the following morning. She turned, expecting to see Lewis lying beside her, but instead, she was met by empty sheets.

A second of confusion passed over her, but it was soon wiped away when she heard the faint buzz of activity coming from the kitchen.

Sleepily, Keira threw back the covers and eased her legs out of bed. The floor was cold beneath her bare feet as she began shuffling for the door. She was only wearing one of Lewis' old t-shirts which settled just below her thighs. As she moved, the cool air of her apartment prickled her exposed skin, making her shiver.

Yawning as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she was immediately hit by the smell of oil and frying eggs, mixing with the rich scent of brewing coffee as she entered the kitchen. Lewis was bent over the stove, humming quietly to himself as he carefully flipped what looked like two omelettes in the pan.

He noticed her approach, grinning at her over his shoulder.

"Oh good, Sleeping Beauty's finally awake," he said before turning his attention back to the stove.

"Mmm, good morning," she sighed, pecking him softly on the cheek.

Keira hopped up onto the counter, reaching for her mug of coffee as she watched Lewis cook them breakfast.

"I didn't realise you were so domesticated," she said and he chuckled.

"I know, I'm not just a pretty face," he replied, winking at her as he switched off the hob and slid the omelettes onto the two plates he'd set out earlier.

As if he'd planned it perfectly, two slices of toast popped up from the toaster and he arranged them neatly on the plates too.

"This is amazing," she said, her stomach already growling just from the sight of food. "Thank you."

Lewis laughed, handing her one of the plates as they both made their way to the kitchen table. A place where Keira rarely bothered to eat. But there was something nice about sitting down and eating with Lewis at the table he had laid for them. It made her apartment feel that bit more homely. And she loved it.

Two glasses of orange juice were waiting for them as they sat down and Keira's smile widened as she looked at him.

"I don't think anyone has ever done something like this for me before," she said, brushing her knee against his beneath the table.

He grinned, his hair all scruffy and tussled from sleep. "Ya haven't tried it yet. After your first bite, you might be wishing I'd not bothered."

Lewis winked but she just shook her head, knocking his leg playfully with her own.

"I already know I'm going to love it," was all she said before tucking into her food.

And she was right. It was delicious.

She closed her eyes, humming her satisfaction before devouring the rest of the cheese-filled omelette.

"Okay, from now on you are cooking every meal," she said, swallowing her last bite. "And don't ever let me near the kitchen again. Where were you hiding this culinary skill?"

Lewis chuckled, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. "That is honestly the only thing I can make. Trust me, you don't want to try anything else. Although . . . I do make a class ketchup sandwich."

"You know what, I take it all back," she giggled, pushing up from her chair and beginning to clear the table. "I think I'm good."

Lewis helped her with the washing up, which in reality, ended up with them splashing each other with soap bubbles until the floor was too slippery to walk on.

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